Part 14||

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A/N: Song above; 'eff' by Bo Burnham.  I love it.  Like, way too much.  "If giving a fuck means sucking up then fuck it, fuck the fame.  A bit unstable, fuck you brain"  and the line "You've got sticks and stones to turn to, but I've got words to hurt you"


"Whoever's at the door can fucking leave, please"  Scotty said
"Please, let me in" I heard a quavering voice from the other side of the door. 
"What do you want" I said, my tone venomous.  
"To apologize.  For what I said" She said
"Burn in hell, Gabrielle Hanna.  I'll never forgive you." I said
"Please, Liza, just let me in" Gabbie said
"Gabrielle, I believe Liza just told you to leave.  That means you should LEAVE." Kristen's voice warned
"Kristen? Please" Gabbie begged.

I walked up to the door and opened it

Gabbie wrapped me in a hug that I did NOT return.  

"Oh, Liza, I didn't mean a thing I said, I'm so so so so sorry!!!" She said
"Sure you fucking are" I spat
"I really really am!! Please don't die, please don't leave me!" She said
"Bitch, alive or not, I'm leaving you.  I have Scotty and Kristen, who believed me through all your bullshit and quite honestly, they're all I'll ever need.  They're amazing to me and I'm so lucky to have them" I said
"What?" She asked
"Just get out.  Please, get out of my life Gabbie" I said
"No" she spoke, stamping her foot "I'm not leaving you" 
"Get out.  Before I MAKE you" Scotty said, and I could see him boiling with anger.

Gabbie walked out, looking defeated.  

"Bye liza, I love you" She said
"Bye Gabbie" I said
"I love you" she repeated
I shut the door.

"Well, that was exciting" I sarcastically say, turning to face Kristen and Scotty.
Kristen enveloped me in a hug and shortly after, Scotty joined the hug.  
"You know we'll always be here for you" Kristen said

"Yeah we will" Scotty said

"You know what? I want to know what her 'witnesses' were thinking, agreeing with her.  I don't know ever pissing carly or shane or any of them off.  Why did they lie for her?" I asked
"Let's go find out" Scotty said, grabbing his keys off the counter
"Sure, why the hell not" Kristen said
"Alright" I said, opening the door and following them out

"This should be good" Scotty said as we pulled out of the driveway

A/N: yes it's short.  I'm aware.  I'm updating again tomorrow (also gonna be short).  I think this is gonna be like, the normal length for my chapters.  They'll be between 300-500 words.  I'm gonna go update my Krotty story and my Alex story now.   I'm gonna update whenever I can but my dad suddenly wants to pretend to care about my life so I visit him a lot and he doesn't have wifi

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