Part 6 (420 words again)(and its two in the morning)

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Let me start by saying, this chpt is dedicated to dramatickoshy for stickin with this story... This chpt is for you 😂
It's been about three weeks and things have gone to shit. To complete. And total. Shit. David is being an asshole and all of his videos have mentioned unsubscribing me. (Not that I've watched all of his videos)
Kristen and Scott visit all the time. That's good... Right? I've never appreciated Scotty so much. I posted my story to my YouTube channel but ppl just commented the usual
Who's gonna believe your whore mouth? Not after the cheating dicks it's sucked.
Glad to hear both sides. sad to admit that you are a fucking bitch and a liar, too.
I couldn't take these things. guess how many subs I have?
All my friends left me.
Then these thoughts started to invade my head. These thoughts that took me two days to realize weren't just comments on my posts. The were comments from MYSELF!
Nobody likes you
Scott hates having to hang out with you
Kristen would rather be with Scotty alone than with you and him
Have you heard how fake their laughs are?
When was the last time your family talked to you?
That last one got me
They hadn't talked to me since the day before this incident. They were fucking ignoring me!
I had become an insomniac. I stayed up all night, thinking these thoughts. Physically, my body was tired. my eyes were having trouble staying open. But my mind couldn't stop
Nobody would miss you
Nobody cares
They wouldn't even notice.
You have pain pills. Just...take a couple extra.
You have rope. Just... Tie the noose
You live near a bridge. Just... Jump
You have the knives. Just... Cut... A little too deep
One night, at 3:29 in the morning, I couldn't fucking take it
I walked into the kitchen, took the knife, and cut my wrist. It hurt, at first. Like, a quick sting. Then it stopped hurting. Then I could feel the warm blood on my wrist. It kind of... Itches? I did three more cuts. They weren't too deep. They'd heal in about a week, I can tell. But they still hurt enough. I got in bed without washing the cuts or covering them. I just, crawled in bed and tried to sleep. It was like all the thoughts had left my head because I finally slept

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