Part 4

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Liza Pov:

I woke up, laying on Kristen.  

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask
"About an hour" she says
"And you didn't leave?" I ask
"Didn't want to disturb the sleeping beauty" She jokes
"Haha," I say, sarcastically
"No, seriously"
"Thanks, Kristen"
"Scotty is coming" She says
"And he for sure doesn't hate me?"
"He for sure doesn't hate you" she reassures me

We lay there for about ten minutes, scrolling through memes together when we hear a knock at the door

"It's open" I yell.  Scotty walks in and waves
"Sorry about this whole thing Liza.  It's not fair that they aren't even giving you a chance.  Especially not David.  Like, I believe you because Kristen trusts you.  So I trust you because I've always trusted Kristen."Scott says
"I know, right.  Kristen's a lucky gal" I say
"Damn right she is, she has you" he says.  

He takes out his vlog camera and yells "KRIZA IS CRAZY FOR EACH OTHER" (haha, this again)
I laugh and say "is that the Kriza catchphrase now?"
"so it would seem" Scott says
"That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen" Kristen laughs (Pirates of the Caribbean joke)

"ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE" we hear David's voice ring from Scott's pocket (Ya got something you wanna tell us dave? ;) lol, sorry)
"Sorry, my David ringtone.  I'm gonna take this"

Scotty's POV:

The conversation:

D: where are you?
S: Liza's house
D: she cheated on me dude
S: we don't know that for sure.  And she's my girlfriends' best friend so I can't leave her.  Not when my girlfriend, who hasn't lied to me before, says Liza didn't cheat.  I trust my girlfriend.  Hint Hint
D: I get it, dude. Calm the fuck down and come over here to the vlog house
S: I can't.  I'm getting golden Kriza content and stupidly funny Pirates of The Caribbean Jokes.  
D: Don't use Liza for content
S: 1) I can make content out of anyone dude.  2) I'm not using her.  She's just really funny and nice.  3) you left her.  you don't "own" her.  Nor did you ever, for that matter
D:You're treading on dangerous waters, asshole
S: David, we're best friends.  We can't let this determine our friendship.  Our friendship was never about Liza in the first place so why must it be now.  I like her.  She's amazing to my Girlfriend, who I love.  She's even nice to me.  You can't control who I hang out with but I hope we can still be best friends.  

D: I don't know man, but I hope so too.  Shooting you with paintball guns is pretty fun
S: *laugh* yeah, how can you live without that
D: Later 
S: Later

I could tell Liza was nervous when I walked out there.  
"What'd he say?" Liza asked
"He said he's cool if I'm friends with you but he doesn't like or trust you anymore.  But he loves you, Liza.  He doesn't have to say it out loud for me to know it.  Mainly, because he has said it out loud.  He loves you and soon enough, will remember that and will apologize and hate Gabbie and be your knight in shining armor." I joked
"Haha.  David doesn't trust me.  If he wanted to get back together, I wouldn't do it.  He may love me but he proved otherwise." 
"Hey, I'm sorry about everything" I say
"I still have two friends.  And you guys mean more to me than anything in the world right now.  Especially since I've dropped a million subscribers in two hours.  More to come and I know that"
"We'll be here for you" Scotty and Kristen say at the same time


Heyo.  This story is gonna get pretty fuckin sad later so I'm sorry about that.  and then, even more, uh...Scotty trusts them.  And that might be everything to Liza.  But maybe even her everything isn't enough. And what if he stops trusting her? What if she doesn't make any more money because she loses all her fans.  She can't live like that, right?

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