Part 11||Bish, what?

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A/N: I went to put a picture up there and I realized I only had pictures I've used already and ones of Twenty One Pilots.  This has become a problem.  I had to go find a new picture

I went into the bathroom and saw a bottle of pills on the counter.  I picked them up and read them.  I opened the bottle.  Quite a few pills were gone.  Since when did she need anti-depressants?
I walked out to confront her and she was already there, holding up my texts with david, wondering the same thing I was.  

"You first" she said
"No, please, go ahead" I said
"No, please, you first." She said

"No, you ca-" I started
"No, Gabbie.  I said you first" Liza interrupted

"What?" she asked
"Well, I uh, I got pretty close to david over the last few weeks and I guess he wants to date me now" I said
"were you gonna tell me?" she asked
"Well, uh, no.  We each had a one person limit to tell" I said
"I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND" Liza shouts
"I was gonna tell you eventually." I said
"Well, CONGRATS!" Liza said
"what?" I asked
"You have a boyfriend?" She said
"I have YOUR boyfriend" I said
"Oh honey, you can have him.  Warning, he doesn't trust his girlfriend though.  Just don't let anyone start rumors.  I don't want him anymore.  Let me know how your date goes!" Liza said
I was getting kinda pissed that she wasn't even upset, I don't know why.  

"Oh, he trusts me.  It was YOU he doesn't trust" I said
"Why the attitude? I'm being nice about the fact that you're dating the guy who was an ass to me.  I think it's sweet and I'm happy for you.  Why are you not being appreciative?" She asked.  I mean, she had a point, I just wanted her to be sad and I know that was wrong but still, it was how I felt
"Because, I just want you to know that he clearly trusts ME. In the situation, who'd he end up believing?" I said
"Okay well you don't have to act like a bitch"

The next thing I said, I wish I could take back more than anything.  More than this situation.  I wish I could take that back more than I wish anything in the world.  But me and my dumbass bitchy self said it anyway.  

"How about you stop taking the anti-depressants and just do what your mind is telling you" I said, knowing that she was thinking about suicide.  

"Get out" she said
"No, Liza, I didn't mean it.  I'm sorry" I said
"Get. the. fuck. out. of. my. house. and. life...FOREVER" She said
"Liza, please, it was a mistake, I am so sorry" I said
"Damn straight it was a mistake.  You can go now"
"Liza, please" 
"Gabbie Hanna, I will call the cops if you don't leave this establishment all together" she said, making me leave.  

I can't believe my best friend would say that to me.  
I cried and called Kristen 
"can you come over?" I asked
"am I bringing Scotty?" she asked

Old me would've said "no" but Scotty was my best friend too.  

"Yes" I said.  

About 20 minutes later, there was a knock on the door.  Scotty walked in.  Kristen walked in behind them.  Seeing them made it so easy to cry.  I just knew they wouldn't judge me so I started sobbing.  
"What's wrong?" Scotty asked as Kristen hugged me tightly.  
"Gabbie" I said, as Scotty then hugged me
"What'd she do?" Kristen asked
"let me show you" I said, bringing out the clip from the video.  

"What the FUCK!" Scotty shouted as Gabbie said the horrible words.  
"You take anti-depressants?" Kristen asked
"It's help ease the pain a little bit" I said
"I'm gonna go get some Chipotle" Scotty said
"Mk" I said

He gave Kristen a quick peck on her cheek and walked out the door.  

I sat down and Kristen sat right next to me.  I felt butterflies in my stomach.  
"Sorry" I say
"Hey, it's okay" she said, hugging me

I pulled in closer, feeling her warmth.  She kissed the top of my head

"Love you Liza" she said
"Love you too Kristen" I said

A/N: IT'S SHORT BUT IT'S CUTE.  I think? idk.  I'm not good at this

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