Part 5 (420 words,OH)

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By the time Scotty and Kristen left, I was feeling better than I have in a couple days, actually. Even though this ordeal happened about 5 hours ago. I had a Twitter notification. DavidDobrik tweeted something about 3 1/2 hours ago.
Liza Koshy cheated on me. Please unfollow her. Gabbie Hanna and others saw it happen so please unsubscribe her and ignore her for the time being. Or, until this blows over/she admits she's wrong
I couldn't believe it. I know, I should be worried about my mental health yet I can't help but check my subscriber count. Shane Dawson had posted something. David has a YouTube video about me "cheating".
They all spread the word. I checked my subs and I had 12,420 subscribers. I just broke down. Remember, I had over 14,000,000 before this.
Word gets around.  I had a bunch of comments on my Instagram and Twitter and YouTube. Comments. I knew this was going to suck.
I got my popcorn (jk, jk)  and read the comments
-Fucking slut
-Nobody likes you
-Stop posting
-You're losing followers quick, slut
-It's no surprise David left a slut like yourself
-ugly ass bitch
-kill urself
-kill yourself
-end your life, for our sake
-fucking die
-Liza, I'll always be here for you... Well... In a way. Post telling us the TRUE story or I'll have no choice but to stop supporting you
I replied to the last one:
Thank you so much, I will tell the full story, I'm glad someone will listen to both sides
And I got back to reading the rest of the comments:
-Nobody likes you anymore. I've seen the posts from your "friends". people are fucking starving. Quick wasting their god damn food to feed your lying, slutty, mouth. End your fucking life.
I couldn't take it. I lost it all. I was ready to follow the Instructions these comments we're giving me
Sorry in advance for the long authors note but...
Hey guys. This story is shit. Idk. I don't want to rush into the depression but I HAVE TO! So the next chapter is about three weeks ahead and so Liza's really depressed. There will be self harm in upcoming chpts. Sorry if that's like, triggering for you, and you don't have to read it.
But there is an actual really important thing about this story: depression. It's a super serious thing. I write this story to express my depression. It's serious

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