Part 8

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Hey guys

SO....since I'm writing depressing Scotty Sire stories and he might be fr depressed, I've decided to continue this story because I like writing it!

ALSO THIS CHAPTER IS FOR @TheVlxgSquad because I have a notification from her on almost every chapter! (or maybe every single one!)


I know what depression feels like.  So like, I feel for Liza.  If Kristen broke up with me for false accusations, I would kill myself.  If like, I actually cheated, well, I'd still kill myself because I'm clearly a huge fuck-up.  If Kristen found someone better, I would do everything in my power to remain as close friends to her as I can.  

We were on our way to Liza's house.  I was happy.  Like, I had my girlfriend, and her girlfriend.  We were all friends and honestly, I loved it.  Liza was such an amazing friend to Kristen and she was so willing to accept me as her friend and she was so nice to me.    

When we got there, Liza and Kristen started talking and laughing.  Liza started to doze off.  
"I'm gonna go pee" I said 
"mk" a sleepy Liza said

As I walked past her bedroom, the door was open just enough for me to see a giant lump on her bed.  I opened it a little more.  The sheets were piled on her bed.  I figured they were dirty and she just couldn't finish the chore before we got here.  I decided to do it FOR her...
I walked into the room and looked at the pile of sheets.  There was blood all over them.  I would say it's period blood but like, Liza, Kristen, and I have been hanging out so much, I happen to KNOW that she already had her period this month.  It was like, two weeks ago.  So how tf?   Of course, as a depressed person, it doesn't take me long to realize that she is self-harming.  I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note.  
I walked into the bathroom and took a mirror pic, posting it on snapchat.  I could already see the views rolling in.  I walked out of the room. 
"What took you so long?" Kristen asks
"I was taking a mirror pic.  And I had to pose" I lied.  That's why I posted the mirror pic.  Evidence
"Oh really?" she asked
"check my snap" I said.
"I trust you" She said

Liza was asleep, curled up with her head in Kristens lap.  I sit next to Kristen, who falls asleep with her head on my shoulder.  I look at them and smile.  I take a picture of all of us.  I sit there on my phone, liking some fans tweets and even messaging a couple of them.  Liza woke up first.

"Hey, Liza" I say
"How long have I been asleep?" She asks, rubbing her eyes
"3 hours.  My question is, how long have you been awake?" I ask
"huh?" she asks
"I've seen the comments on your post.  I think you forget I have depression too.  So I'm like, 90% sure you're an insomniac by now with these comments." I say to her
"Don't tell Kristen.  The last thing I need is her worrying about me" Liza says
"I think that's the first thing you need" I say.  
Kristens starts to stretch.  It's so cute
"I'm.....HUNGRY" Kristen says
"Me too" Liza says
"What do we want to eat?" I ask
"CHIPOTLE" Liza and Kristen say at the same time
"Aight.  I'll postmate some" I say


Fuck.  Now Scotty knows.  It could be worse.  He could know I'm self harming.  We eat chipotle and they go home.  I walk into my bedroom to deal with the sheets.  I see a yellow piece of paper that was ripped off the notepad I keep on my desk.  It was a note from scotty

Hey Liza,
I'm not going to tell Kristen.  That's up to you.  But seriously, I understand needing to cut but please don't do it liza.  We love you for who you are.  So don't change a thing.  Self harming usually happens late so I'm assuming you're an insomniac now.  I know the thoughts in your head are something along the lines of 
"Kristen and scott hate me.  They are pretending to be my friends.  I'm just some charity case"
And I know that because I have thought those things before.  I promise, in your case, they are not true.  I am extremely grateful to have you in my life and Kristen talks about you every minute that we aren't with you.  All good things.  I'm actually a little jealous ;) 

Good luck in handling your depression and know I will always be there for you
With Mayo, (wink wink)
P.S. Let me know when you need more

And there was an arrow leading to a bottle of anti-depressant pills




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