Part 12||Idek

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A/N: i don't even know what to title this so let's just go with idek.  I WANNA SAY THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 600 READS! I didn't expect it to get 20, let alone 600! that means so much to me <3  and sorry if i already used this pic, i don't think i did but i'm too lazy to check.  sorry but i'm back from my hiatus!!! (skeleton clique no longer cries at the word 'hiatus' because Twenty One Pilots is back...well, the music and Josh is back...idk where the hell our tyjo went....Well, I do, if you've seen the 'levitate', you do too)


I mean, I don't even know if Gabbie will live anymore after what she just did.  Scotty might kill her.  Speaking of Scotty, I heard the doorbell ring while I was cuddling Liza. 

"It's open!" I shout, not wanting to move my lazy ass. 

Scotty walks in, arms full of chipotle.  

"Scotty, there's only three of us" I say
"Right but I'm one of the three so I got extra food" He smiled. 

Liza groaned as her eyes flickered open

"Oh, scotty, I've been meaning to tell you" I say, laughing
"It's okay Scotty, all I did was get her pregnant with my mind" Liza jokes
"You guys are like telepathic lovers" Scotty laughs, setting down the food
"Exactly" Liza says, reaching for a bowl. (like, a chipotle bowl)

"Scott, this is a LOT of food" Liza says
"And I'm a LOT of person" Scotty responds
"MUKBANG" I shout

"OH HEEL YEAH" Liza screams

Scotty grabbed her camera off the table and set it up while liza and I neatly set the chipotle all over the table.  The camera started recording and Scotty sat next to me.  

"Hey guys, what up, it's ya girl liza, coming at you" Liza said doing her intro.  

"Today I am joined with my girlfriend kristen, say hi kristen!" 
"Hi kristen" scotty and I say
"and HER girlfriend, Scotty say hi scotty"
"Hi scotty" we both say
"So today imma try somethin a little different....we are doing a chipotle MUKBANGGGGGGG" Liza shouts

I grabbed the little cup of tea and poured it on liza 


We started eating

"are you editing this?" scotty asked
"nah, imma leave everything in" liza said
"Fun!" I shouted

We basically talked and told jokes but we never once brought up the current drama because we weren't ACTUALLY trying to spill any tea. 

"Okay, remember that vine with you" liza pointed to scotty "zane, heath, and david?" she asked
"which one...?" scotty asked
"The 'battling my addiction' one" she said
"OH YEAH!" Scotty said
"That one was so funny, honestly" Liza said.  

Liza made a bunch of puns -as to be expected- and we all had honestly such a great time.  
It was about 30 minutes long and we didn't even finish all our food. 

"thank you guys so much for watching, like this video if you enjoyed it, subscribe to my channel if you want to see more from me in the future and make sure to check out these two's channels, link in the description below! Little brown girl, is out, BYEEEEEEEEEEE" Liza said, then turned off the camera. 
She pulled up the footage on her laptop and just edited the turning on and off the camera and then uploaded it.  within minutes, it had about 10 likes and 100 dislikes.  Then the ration just kind of started to change.  She had like, 400 likes and 100 dislikes.  The number of likes just went up and up and up.  People hadn't even had time to watch it yet.  Plus she was hated.  Her subscribers were adding up again.  I don't know what sparked the sudden change.  

"LIZA KOSHY IS BACK BITCHES!" Liza screamed.  

Then we saw it.  TheGabbieShow had uploaded.  

"I was mistaken" was the simple title of the video and the thumbnail was her crying without any makeup on.  It had come out 2 hours ago.  As we were waiting for it to load, a knock sounded on the door.  Liza ran up to get it.  

The person at the door was someone I sure as hell wasn't in the mood to see, and I almost smacked the sheepish apologetic smile right off their ugly stupid face. 

A/N: Wowwwwwwwwwww

this chapter is literal steaming trash.  what more do you want from me, tbh

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