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A/N: yes, i am back. I have risen from the dead. I am here, I am queer, and I am ready to roll. Also, just in case anybody is wondering, I have vowed to never self harm again 👌🤠.
If you like dan and Phil, I have a phan Instagram: _phan.of.ryden_. My friend and I have similar account names. It you like twenty one pilots: I have another WattPad account called @-phan-of-ryden- so go add me if you want. What do you guys want from this story??
Idek. Also, if you like gaming or just like laughing, plz watch the video above. It's HILARIOUS and it got my brother into this YouTuber.

So Shane wasn't much help. He just gave us cryptic answers that did us no good except give us immense curiosity and fear of what Gabbie is capable of.
"I think we need to ask Carly" I say.
"That's what I was thinking" Kristen replies.
"Wanna go now?" Scotty asks
"Yes, I do" I respond
"Yeah. We need to get to the bottom of whatever the hell is going on" Kristen says.
We drive down to Carly and Erin's place. We knock on the door and Kristen and I hide, Scotty still standing at the door so they don't ignore us when they see me.
Erin answers the door. "Oh, hey Scotty, what's been up?"
"A lot. Poor David had a lot of emotions. And poor Liza just lost everything. But I guess it helped her realize who she wants to stay around. I was dragged onto both sides because Kristen believed Liza and David didn't. To be honest, I believed Liza too." Scotty casually speaks. Opening up has been proven to make people trust them instantly.
"That is pretty difficult. I know what you mean. I believed Liza too but my very best friend, Carly didn't so I was scared to lose her" she said
"Exactly. That's how I was with David. Anyway, can I actually talk to Carly??" Scotty finally gets to the point.
"Yeah, for sure" Erin responds. "CARLY, SCOTTYS HERE AND WANTS TO TALK TO YOU"
A few seconds pass and Carly comes sliding into view. "What's up Scott?" Carly asks.
Erin walks away.
As Erin is far enough, Scotty whistles and Kristen and I come out from behind Scotty's car.
"Why did you lie for Gabbie?" I ask
"Hhhhh. I was bribed. Erin knows I was and promised me that we would be best friends no matter what but I didn't want for Gabbie to say anything and Erin tried to convince me not to be a part of the lie but I was. I'm really sorry" Carly explains
"What does she have on you?" Scotty asks.
"Shane, Gabbie, and I used to be best friends. In high school, I mean. Like best of friends. So we went to the parties together and something happened some years ago that I'm not ready to reveal and Gabbie knows because she was the best friend. The problem is, something sever happened to me and something sever happened to Shane. I can't seem to remember even a tiny thing she did so I don't have tea to spill" Carly tells us.
"Carly. The only way we can help you is if you trust us. You can trust us. It's only one little thing" I say
"Two. Two things. They are physically small but metaphorically ginormous. The last thing I need is my family finding out. Gabbie's family knows and they helped me. But my parents don't need to know" she said
"We are going to be at Liza's place. If someone bribing you knows, your best friend, Erin deserves to know so tomorrow, at 4pm, I want you to meet me at Liza's place and Shane will be there and technically, it is up to you, but I hope Erin is there. You ruined Liza's life. You owe her this." Kristen says sternly
"I will go. I can't promise anything with Shane. And even if Shane goes? He won't bring ryland." Carly says.
"I know he won't. But you please bring Erin" I say.
"I'll call Shane right now and convince him to come" Carly says
"Thank you" I say
"And Liza" Carly says
"Hm?" I question
"I'm sorry" she says
"I forgive you, Carly, but you better have a damn good reason" I respond. We get in the car and go home.

A/N: so we're gonna find out the secret soon enough. I'm pretty excited. Again, where do you want this story to go??

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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