Getting To The Bottom

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Oh my goodness, I know I'm going to be so in for it when London awakes but what's done is done. No need to worry about it now. Maybe one day he will finally see that he can't control me like I'm some mafia breed woman. I'm just not having it. Now there is some time's where I do feel bad about the stunts I've pulled so I allow him to lead me around like a puppy on a chain to ease his ego.

However i feel like this latest stunt will be different. London is obviously still upset with my running off to Russia so I know me putting him to sleep and sneaking off won't go over lightly. He just doesn't understand though. I know London is innocent in this but the other's are still speculating. No London is no longer king or over the Empire but they are still his men and London can order them around if he sees fit. These men respect him so, I worked so hard to make sure that they did by getting to know them and their families, helping them and being caring. Now they are gossiping amongst themselves about London possibly having a love child. I can't tolerate that so I must clear his name.

Finally arriving to the massive gated home on the outskirts of the city, I walked on in. In fact I don't think I've ever announced my presence when visiting here. Except for several suited men and the help, the home was empty but I knew exactly where I'd find him. The suited men nodded in greeting as I passed by. They were accustomed to seeing me here. Taking the stairs, I knocked before I opened the doors to his office. He was seated behind his massive desk and you could easily tell he wasn't a man to tamper with. Power and strength radiated from his entire being. His face lit up however when he saw me. Snubbing his cigar out, he rose and came around the desk to greet me. Enveloping me in his arm's he said with much joy. "There's my girl. I've been wondering what's been keeping you away?"

Hugging him back I rolled my eye's. "My dear, sweet husband seems to be the problem".

Laughing he said. "When hasn't he been a problem? I can get rid of him if you'd like?"

I laughed. "That won't be necessary this time".

He buzzed the intercom and ordered us some refreshments. "So, what brings you here today?"

And here it was, the moment I had been dreading. The moment where the truth may be exposed and my feelings for this man forever changed. "I wish I could say this was going to be a pleasent visit but I'm afraid it's not. I'm here needing information on Ari. Preferably I want the truth about who her father is. By now many are aware that she has Harper blood. I know for a fact it's not my London. I hate to even disrespect you so but I need the truth. Is it you?"

Suddenly he looked older than what he was. He took a deep breath and cast his eye's downward as if shamed. Finally he spoke but the hurt was evident in his tone. "I loved my wife very much. No one could even begin to compare to her but like most couple's we were going through some hard time's. In fact, she was wanting a divorce."

Shocked at this news I interupted. "Why didn't I know of this".

He smiled a bit. "Because Miss queeney, you don't know it all even though you think you might. No one knew. That's how we wanted it. We kept our problems behind closed doors. Anyways when she told me she wanted a divorce I lost it. We had a heated argument and I ended up at the Den insanely drunk and Marcelo just happened to be there and took advantage of the situation. Trust me dear, men can be taken advantage of as well, especially when they are at their lowest. Marcelo seen a way to finally gain what she always wanted... the throne. I woke the next morning by my son. I was in his private room and Marcelo asleep beside me."

My eye's bugged out. "You mean to tell me London knows. He never told me?"

"Yes, like I said, he found us. Needless to say London and I came to blows and he threatened to kill us both. I don't blame him. I screwed up big time. I returned home to give my wife the divorce she wanted. Not because I wanted to but because I didn't deserve her. She was my world. In fact I pray for death everyday so I can join her. When I got home I found her in tears. I assumed she knew but sadly that wasn't the case. She had just recived the call from her doctor letting her know she had cancer. That was the beginning of her long, suffering road to death."

My eye's watered as I recalled London's mother suffering so. Many nights I stayed over to help with her care. I miss her, she was so good to me. I tabbed my eye's and turned my attention back to London's father.

"Several week's later I discovered Marcelo was pregnant. I couldn't hurt my wife like that especially in her condition. I wanted the last month's of her life to be amazing. London agreed as well, no one must know the truth. Even now, I don't want her humiliated in death. London knew Conner was also having an affair with Marcelo. Who better to pin in on right? London hated doing his friend this way but he refused to allow anymore pain to come to his mother, especially duiring this time."

I shook my head. "Why didn't he come to me? If Conner finds this out it would destroy their relationship".

The old man agreed. "Yes, it would but I'm sure Conner has many questions of his own since the news leaked out. I'm prepared to take the fall for this but I don't want London's name apart of this. No one needs to know he helped me cover this up. London took Marcelo to the pit and threatened to cut the child from her womb and kill her as well if she ever breathed a word of the truth. Then in her drunken stupor one day she slipped and told Ari that Conner was her father. Naturally this concerned London and I. If Marcelo told that what was stopping her from telling the real truth in the future. London hid in her car one night and slit her throat. This was duiring the time the Russians had been attacking so no one thought anything of Marcelos death. It wasn't viewed as a inside job. Don't misunderstand this though, even though my son covered my track's I know deep down he hates me for doing this to his mom. Of course we get along swell in front of other's but it's all show, all to keep our secret hidden. He will never accept Ari as his sister, nor do I expect him to. Ari only serves to remind him of my infidelity."

I could recall several time's London wished someone would off her and at one point we all did but Ari has changed for the better. Regardless if these men don't see it, Ari is a Harper and I feel it's my job to see her take her rightful place. Then again maybe this is one topic I should seal my lips on. Which reminds me, I'm already in a shit load of trouble with my husband. Do I really want to add more?

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