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This wasn't like my past labor's, no, the contractions were coming fast and hard. Everyone around me seemed to be in a panic only causing me to become more nervous. London sent Claudia on her way as he carried me off to a waiting car. Demarco drove as Sam sat beside him. I sat in the back with Miri and London flanked on either side, while Cole stayed back to take care of the tab.

A strong contraction rippled through my abdomen causing me to grimace and squeeze London's arm. "Shhh... babydoll. We will be at the medical facility  in a moment and you'll get some meds".

"No London, you don't understand. It's too soon. I can't be in labor yet". I cried through yet another contraction.

"It will be fine". London tried to ease my mind but we all was thinking the same thing.

"Son of a bitch move". Demarco yelled at the stand still traffic.

I released another groan as I was attacked with another searing pain. "For fucks same son, can't you get around this?" London barked.

"I'm trying Pape but the shits blocked". Demarco hissed.

I gripped London's arm tighter as I lurched over in pain. "I can't London, I can't. This is going too fast. I want make it much longer".

"Shhhh... you try and stay calm. Let me doing the worrying." London hummed in my ear.

Five minutes later we were still in the same spot and I had broke out in a sweat and released a whimper. "Screw this". London said getting out.

He reached in and pulled me out. " What are you doing London? Are you insane? I've got to get to the medical facility ". I cried.

"Babydoll, we are about a mile away. I can carry you there quicker than being in this traffic". He said.

"Oh no, you can't do this". I protested but he picked me up and took off on a full fledge run screaming for people to get out of his way.

I knew he was trying to get me there quickly but the jostling about only worsened my pain. London ran with all he had the entire way and by the time we got to the medical facility he was winded and drenched in sweat.

Busting through the medical facility doors he immediately barked orders and the entire staff was put to running around preparing for my deliver. I was placed in the best room and given the once over. The doctor looked at London. "I'm sorry but we can't give her any meds now".

"And why the fuck not?" London said angrily.

"There's no time sir. She'll be delivering very soon and we can't administer them at this point". The doctor went to explain.

"Shouldn't you be telling this to me?" I gritted out between the worsening blows.

"Shhh... babydoll. I've got this". London said clearly taking control of my delivery.

Fifteen minutes later I was being encouraged to push. After nearly an hour of pushing I had made no progress and the pain was near unbearable. My body was becoming weak and my strength depleted. I leaned my weary head over onto London's chest and whispered. "I can't keep going London. The baby's not coming".

He stroked my face with his finger. "You're doing amazing babydoll. I know you're tired but it will be over soon".

No sooner than he said that, the doctor pulled him aside. I tried to focus on what was being said but my pain was at a all time high. "London, don't discuss me as if I'm not here. What's going on? I have a right to know damn it".

London rushed back to me and bent down. Taking my hand he said. "Don't get upset babydoll, the doctor claims this is normal but the baby is under a lot of stress from the delivery. The doctor thinks it would be best to perform a cesarean".

My face pailed moreso at those word's. "Is the baby okay?" I squeaked.

London smiled tenderly. "Of course babydoll. They just need to be born now".

I knew London well enough to see the worry  in his eye's. "Don't lie to me London".

"Babydoll, the baby needs to come soon are more complications could arise". He said calmly.

I nodded my understanding. "Okay, let's do this". I said mustering up courage.

"I'll be right beside you babydoll. Everything will be fine, I promise". London said kissing my forehead.

I could only nod as they started prepping me for surgery. Within an hour my baby entered this world with a wail. After the doctor's checked the baby over they placed the bundle on my chest. Other than being a tad small I was looking at perfection, a perfectly healthy baby. Tears sprung from my eye's as I cuddled the little joy to me. London leaned down with a smile and tears of his own.

Looking the baby over London purred. "Looks like you babydoll. Eye's, face and all."

I laughed. "Yes, finally one that looks like me but has your skin tone".

"The name babydoll?" London questioned.

I held the baby up and looked closer. Even though the eye's were blue like mine, I could see the promise of strength, leadership and possibly our strongest ruler yet. Yes, he may have come early, he may have been smaller but I believe he will be the strongest ruler we have yet to see.

"King. His name will be King".

London removed him from my arm's to hold him. "King Harper it is".

Soon after I drifted off into a medicine induced sleep. When I woke everyone was in the room relishing over King. London looked at Demarco. "Move over son, there's a new mama's boy in town".

"Never. No one can replace me, right mommy?" Demarco said.

I laughed and handed Dem his new brother.

Two day's later I was ready to go back to my apartment but London wouldn't hear of it. He insisted that I stay with him until I fully recover. I knew if I put up a fight he would only follow me to my place. "Fine. Only until I'm on my feet again". I agreed.

Once there London made me lie back and take it easy. He took care of King and me as well. I wanted for nothing. However this doesn't mean a thing. As soon as I'm better I will return to my apartment and see my plans through.

SEEKING SAM (Part 6)Where stories live. Discover now