The probability

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Hey everyone, this drawing is related to FGO. I remember a chart from Fate Grand Order Wiki about the Saint Quartz and the probability of getting a 5 Star or 4 Star Servant from the summoning. Which I figure, the probability of getting either one of these kinds of Servants are low...So I decided to just do the story quests and the free quests till I have a good amount of Saint Quartz to use to summon at least a 4 Star Servant.

Anyway, the drawing had Mikoto in utter shock that she collapsed on the floor with her knees because I asked her a question about how many turns, using the 10-roll system, will be used just to get a 4 Star Servant..And well...She wasn't able to answer my question...Mordred was shocked that Mikoto collapsed while I was pushing couple of crates, that was filled with Saint Quartz down the hallway.

Now I'm starting to see why many fans of this game would probably be depressed when the topic is about Saint Quartz Summoning

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Now I'm starting to see why many fans of this game would probably be depressed when the topic is about Saint Quartz Summoning.... 😐

Anyway, sorry for the unusual information about FGO, and hopefully you all like it.

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan ArtWhere stories live. Discover now