Mash is a...burrito..?

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Hey everyone, this chapter has Mash got sick, and Mordred and Mikoto are keeping her company. Mordred holding Mash, who was wrapped in a blanket, and Mikoto is petting Mash's head, while Mash was trying to leave.

I really don't know how this idea really occurred to me but when I was playing FGO in the 4th Singiularity, "The Mist City: London", where Mash was getting sad about not unlocking her Noble Phantasm at 100% or not able to remember the true name that she was fused with—it made me want to comfort that she'll unlock her Noble Phantasm and that she can improve and get stronger.

That girl should be reward with lots of hugs..She can take my place when I have to give my hugs to the ones I owe..

Anyway, here's the drawing.

Hopefully all of you like it

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Hopefully all of you like it.

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan ArtWhere stories live. Discover now