Morikoto's Possible Story

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Hey everyone, this was wondering in my head for a while about the cover design for Morikoto's story. Or at least one possible story.
This story is where Morikoto starts out of being an orphan with knowing nothing about her real identity. She only knows that she was given from birth was Mordred's necklace, Mikoto's silver-colored hairpin, and a group picture of the crew. However, she does get visions of being Mordred's position from the past, which made her more confused of why she is "dreaming" about being someone else.
Then, she was attacked by Cú Alter in a history museum where Morikoto actually summoned Mikoto as her Servant, with the hairpin being the catalyst for the summoning, by mistake. The reason, the Holy Grail War was stopped for almost a thousand years after the Final Grail War in 2014—making this Grail War, the Forbidden Grail War...

Okay, literally just typing this now—made me realized that I should have title this as "Forbidden Grail War" rather than "Servant's Legacy"....Darn it.....Anyway, sorry for that weird intro. Here is the drawing,

Please let me know if you're confused about that summary of the story

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Please let me know if you're confused about that summary of the story. I'll clarified for you the best I can with that. Anyway, hopefully all of you like it.

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan ArtWhere stories live. Discover now