Chapter III: The Client

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"Tea?" The woman asked. She started to pour a cup. It was for herself. She looked back at them as if she was asking them for tea again. Her blazing red eyes zoomed in on them. "You two aren't from around these parts are you?" She asked. Natsu and Lucy hadn't took a seat yet. Lucy was gripping her keys still. Natsu couldn't help but notice that the woman liked red. Her clothes, hair, eyes, and even her lipstick were red. Her skin was very pale almost like she was dying from the inside out. A moment of silence betwwen the three.

"Lucy! Get me out of here!" A voive demanded. It was Happy's. Lucy completely forgot she stuffed him in her backpack. Happy kept moving, trying to get out of her backpack. Lucy panicked. She knew Happy wasn't going to fit in like her and Natsu. She gripped her bag.

"Sorry. Please give me a minute." Lucy said as she ran out the door leaving Natsu by himself. Lucy shut the door and untied her backpack. "Listen you need to stay in cat form and not talk, fly or do anything suspecious, you hear me?" Lucy said catching her breath after that mouthful. Happy looked at her. He could tell Lucy was serious and maybe a bit scared.

"Aye sir!" Happy said covering his mouth. "Sorry Lucy." Happy said. His wings went back into his skin. he went on all four and didn't talk. He winked at Lucy teling her, he was listening. Lucy smiled.

"Thank you, Happy." Lucy stated and her eyes got soft. She was no longer serious. She picked up Happy in her arms. "Act kitty like." Lucy demanded. She felt bad that Happy couldn't even talk but at the same time it was a blessing. She smiled and walked back into the shack. She opened the door and greeted herself back in the shack. The woman was at the back door making sure it was locked. Natsu was finally sitting down. He looked at her and smiled.

"Come sit. We are going to do our job." Natsu said. Lucy wondered if they talked at all. She went over and sat down. "Is Happy alright?" Natsu asked looking at him in Lucy's arms. Lucy shook her head. Happy fell asleep in Lucy's arms. He looked quite cute and peaceful. "Alright. So, this job that we are doing. Whats are goal?" Natsu spoke aloud so the woman can hear him. She turned around and looked at him.

"Yes of course, but first I have to know who you two are and if you're suitable for the job." The woman grinned. "Girls start first." She said referring to Lucy. Lucy gulped and looked up, proudly.

"I am Lucy Heartfillia. A mage from Fairy Tail." Lucy said. She liked the ring to it. It really suited her. T he woman looked a bit confused. She looked at Natsu telling him with her eyes, its his turn.

" I am Natsu Dragneel. A fire dragon slayer from Fairy Tail." Natsu said loud and proud. The ring to his was over powering Lucy's. "We told you who we are. Now it's your turn." Natsu wasn't kidding anymore. He seemed annoyed or too excited for this job. The woman chuckled.

"I am Angelina Dalles. Also known as Madam Red. I've never heard of mages but you two are perfect." Madam Red said. Natsu felt tricked. She had everything red and even her name had red in it. Natsu thought he was the only one the liked red considering his guild mark was red and visible for the woman to see. " I need you two to stop this evil pair. He is thr Earl of Phantomhive and his butler. His butler seems to have unearthly abilities. Trap them for me." Madam Red stated. She didn't seem very friendly to Lucy.

"We will do it. Whatever it takes to stop these bastards." Natsu said standing up. "We will start right now." Natsu said looking at Lucy. Lucy got up and started to walk towards the door. She knew that name sounded familiar. Phantomhive, Phantomhive. It wouldn't click in her head. They both walked out. Lucy looked at Natsu. "That name. It was said to us earlier by the garderner." Natsu stated. Lucy was surprised. Natsu remembered something before her? She smiled.

"Finny. That was his name. Yet he never told us where to find it. The Phantomhive Manor." Lucy said. "Let's ask someone. Wait here." Lucy put Happy into Natsu's arms and ran to the closest person. "Escuse me? Can you tell me where the Phantomhive Manor is?" Lucy asked catching her breath. The man turned around.

"Over younder." The man pointed to a giant house from the distance. Lucy's eyes widened.

"Thank you sir." She ran over to where Natsu was. She pointed to the house. Natsu loked back. He was speechless.

"It looks bigger than the Heartfillia manor." Natsu said. "Well let's get going." Natsu said grabbing Lucy's wrist. Lucy blushed. Natsu was leading the way to the manor. It looked at least a mile away. Lucy snapped out of her little self moment.

"What are you talking about? My house was way bigger than this one!" Lucy shouted into Natsu's ear. He smiled. Lucy blushed again.

"I only said that so you would be fired up too." Natsu said smiling and they continued to run. They aproched the house closer and closer. On the side of the road from where they were running Lucy noticed someone.

"Stop Natsu!" Lucy stopped and ran over to a carriage. "Hello? Is everything alright here?" She said. A man walked out from behind the carriage. He was alot taller than her. He had on a black long trentch coat sort of clothes with a grey sash from this shoulder to his waist. A chain went around his waist. Lucy looked up at his face. He had long silver hair with a long black hat on. His hair covered his eyes, the only thing you could see was his nose and mouth. Lucy looked closer. He seemed to have a scar from his cheek up to where his eye was supose to be seen at.

"Im fine, little girl. Hehe. What unique clothes you have." The guy said. He seemed to be laughing at her. Lucy stepped back and bumped right into Natsu. Natsu looked at him. "Hahaha!!" The guy laughed. Natsu looked at him. " A grown boy with pink hair." The guy continued to laugh.

"It's salmon." Natsu said. "Are you alright?" Natsu asked. The guy looked sickly pale like Madam Red. Lucy backed up more into Natsu. Was Lucy scared? Natsu thought. He put a hand on her shoulder. He leaned down to her ear and whispered "Dont worry." Lucy looked up at him and he was smiling. Lucy looked back down. Dont worry? She looked at the guy and notice their was a coffin behind him. That was all that was bugging her. Is there a dead body in there? She thought.

"Im fine. I just dropped my coffin thats all. Would you like to help me put in back on the carriage?" The guy asked. He looked at Natsu. Natsu went in front of Lucy.

"Sure. I got time to kill." Natsu said. The pun wasn't intended but the guy laughed. Natsu saw Lucy jump back. His laugh scared her? Natsu walked over to the coffin. "I lift a side you lift one." Natsu demanded. The two of them lifted the coffin back on the carriage. Natsu walked back to Lucy. "My name is Natsu." Natsu said turning back to the guy. He laughed again. Natsu was getting angry.

"Let's go, Natsu." Lucy grabbed Natsu's arm and started to walk. The sun had almost set. "We have to hurry." Lucy said tugging on Natsu. Natsu turned and started to walk.

"Anytime you need a coffin, call for me. The Undertaker." The Undertaker said chuckling. He hopped back on the carriage and rode in the opposite direction of them. Nastu and Lucy continued to walk. Finally after the sun had gone down they made it to the doorsteps of the Phantomhive manor.

"Luce. What do you say we blast open the door?" Natsu said with his fist in flames. Natsu wasn't kidding either.

"No! Just knock." Lucy went over to knock on the door when Natsu stopped her.

"Be ready for anything." Natsu said releasing her hand. Why does he not trust me? Lucy asked herself. Or maybe he senses something? Lucy knocked on the door. They waited a moment. "Open up!" Natsu said about to bang on the door again. The door begin to open. Natsu quickly put his hands down to his side. The door begin to open the door wider and wider.

"Hello?" A voice said as the door swong completely open. Passed the person at the door the house had no lights. The only light was the candle stick the person at the door was holding. Lucy and Natsu glanced up and down at the person. They both knew they were at the right place. It was a man at the door. A man in a butler outfit. The unearthly butler stood at their noses. Lucy wondered what Natsu was going to do, talk or fight. She would only have to wait. Natsu stood in the awkward silence only to begin talking.

"Is this the Phantomhive manor?' Natsu said breaking the silence. The man at the door put the candle stick to the guest at the door. Lucy and Natsu saw his pale face. tHe man seemed to be examining them.

"Please come in." The man greeted them in. Lucy only wished Natsu would compose himself and not fight quite yet.

Fairy Tail X Black ButlerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang