Chapter IV: His Butler, Sebastian

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Together Natsu and Lucy walked into the manor. The door shut behind them. Now Natsu and Lucy could see the man clearly. His shoes shined, his butler uniform had all the right creases in them. He was also wearing what looked like a tailcoat. His face was pale and his jet black hair went  into his eyes that were a dark red color. Darker than their clients. Lucy thought he was quite attractive. When he shut the door he turned towards them. He was very tall, he was probably taller than Elfman, the tallest man in Fairy Tail.

"This is the Phantomhive manor. May I help you with anything?" The man said. He was very confident and sure about himself. His appearance was like a slap to the face while Natsu and Lucy looked out of place. Natsu and Lucy were both looking around. The manor was incredible. Pillars were all over the room, almost like a walkway. The staircase was in the middle of the room, staight ahead from the door. Many doors scattered throughout the house. A portrait of a woman at the top of the staircase. Lucy was wide eyed and wide mouthed.

"What a beautiful manor! It reminds me of mine." Lucy stated. She turned towards the man. "I am Lucy, and this is Natsu. We were wondering if the Earl of Phantomhive is home? And maybe if we can talk to him?" Lucy said. She was going towards that sweet and innocent point of view. The man grinned. Natsu was still looking at the manor. He seemed like he couldn't process the information correctly.

"Welcome." The man bowed. It was flattering, almost like royalty, Lucy thought. "My young master retires around ten-" The man checked his coat watch. "You will have exactly half an hour to talk to him." The man grinned and walked over the the beginning of the stairs."Shall we?" The man looked back gestering to follow him. Lucy nodded her head. Natsu started to walk up the stairs. He wasn't tense or anything, he was calm. Adnormally strange for Natsu. Lucy thought. The started to walk up the stairs.

"You never told us your name." Natsu said. He was very calm, maybe alittle too calm. The man stopped at the first flight of stairs.

"I am Sebastian, butler for the Phantomhive manor." Sebastian said. He seemed very straight forward. He turned to the right. "This way." Sebastian walked up the stairs.

"Do you mind telling us a little about the Earl?" Lucy said. She was very curious about the Phantomhive manor and the people in it. The man continued to walk.

"My young masters name is Ciel Phantomhive. He is 13 years of age." Sebastian turned his head to face them. He stopped with one leg on one step and the other on another. "He might be young but he is the Earl." Sebastian continued to walk.

"What happened to his parents?" Natsu asked. Even Natsu was curious about them. Natsu had no shame in asking, the pieces didn't click until he asked it. He wasn't going to appoligize for asking a question so he just played it out.

"Natsu-" Lucy begun but was cut off by Sebastian.

"They died. Burned in a fire in this very house. That was three years ago." Sebastian said. He wasn't offended? Natsu thought. He knew it was out of place but not something to brush off that quickly. "My young master is in the study." Sebastian had alreay pasted the second flight of stairs. He was walking down a hallway.

"Study?" Lucy asked. "Like a library?" After saying that she thought of Levy. Lucy loved to read, she wanted to be a novelist. In that study was probably the family history and current events. Or maybe even England's history. Lucy was getting excited. Natsu, who was basically walking in Sebastian's foot steps looked back.

"Some what. It is a place where my young master can catch up on local crimes and puzzle them out. Most of his lessons are in the study and confrentations are in the dinning room. Today he will have to talk to you guys in the study." He paused and looked at his coat watch. "25 minutes left." Sebastian said.

"You're a very organized butler." Lucy said. She looked at Natsu. He is awfully quiet. Whats wrong with him? She thought. Sebastian stopped at a door.

"What can I say, I'm merely one hell of a butler." Sebastian grinned and looked at the door. "We are here. Just a bit of advice, don't annoy him." Sebastian said in a serious tone. It felt like forever to get to the study Natsu thought. He clentched his fist. Lucy looked at his fist. She knew he couldn't keep quiet for long. Natsu released his fist. "Young master? Guest are here to speak with you." Sebastian said peeking his head into the room. Lucy wanted to see the Earl. She thought he would be a cute little boy. Not quite childish but princeish. She was so excited. Natsu thought of Romeo as a prince. It made him chuckle. Natsu and Lucy heard a voice but couldn't make out what he was saying. "It is okay to enter." Sebastian stuck his head out from the door and opened it completely. He stuck his hand out telling them to enter. The room was bigger than expected. The window was centered in the middle. The desk was a lengthy wood desk with a redish purpleish chair. It almost looked like a throne chair. In the chair was a person. It had to be the Earl. He had a deep, dark blue hair with blazing cold blue eyes. On the right eye it seemed to be wounded, it was covered with a black eye patch. His clothes looked like he was royalty. Only Natsu and Lucy could see from his chest up. He was a cute kid with a sad look.

"Sebastian. Prepare some tea for the guest and myself." The Earl said.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian said. He went into the other room and prepared some tea.

"Please take a seat." The Earl said. He was very calm. Natsu and Lucy sat down. A kick went to Lucy's back. She ignored it and focused on the Earl.

"You are Ciel correct?" Natsu spoke up. He smiled. "If so, we need to talk." Natsu said. His smile didn't look like a friendly talk smile, it was a beginning of a fight smile.

"Yes and who calls me?" Ciel asked. He was frightened by Natsu, not even intimidated. Natsu stood up.

"I am Natsu Dragneel and this is Lucy Heartfillia." He said loudly but not shouting. Natsu had busted from being quiet too long. Sebastian pulled a cart into  the room with pastries and tea on it. Ciel looked at Sebastian then back at Natsu.

"Today's tea and dessert is Black tea and a French blueberry scone." Sebastian said setting out three cups and plates.

Sebastian poured a cup of tea along with a scone and served it to Ciel. Then another for Lucy. As he was pouring some for Natsu, Natsu sat back down. He looked very excited, like a little kid getting candy. Sebastian handed him a cup of tea. He leaned into Lucy's shoulder. She blushed. He leaned his mouth to her ear. His warm breathing made Lucy blush more and get chills.

"Im all fired up." He whispered. Natsu leaned back. Another kick went to Lucy's back. It was Happy but now wasn't a good time to expose a cat. It was really tense in the room. Finally, Ciel broke the silence.

"Tell me more about you two." Ciel demanded. He was entertained by Natsu and Lucy. Sebastian pushed the tea cart outside the room. Sebastian turned towards Ciel.

"Young master, you will retire at ten wont you?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes. That gives you two-" Ciel looked at his coat watch. "15 minutes to tell me about yourselves." Ciel said. Ciel showed no emotion to being happy or being annoyed. Where was this heading too? Lucy thought to herself. Please Natsu, dont fight quite yet. Lucy said. She continued drinking her tea.

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