Chapter IVX: Reunion Part III (Final Chapter)

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Hate to say this but this is the final chapter of this Fan fiction. :.( I'm sad to say its going to end but all good things need to come to an end. That doesn't mean I wont write anymore stories, it means this one is over. My next fan fiction, 'Seven Days, Seven Ways' is now up. Please, enjoy this chapter. My next fan fiction after 'Seven Days, Seven Ways' will have my first OC! Cant wait for that! Thank you so much for reading!

All eyes gazed at Sebastian. "And? What is it?" Natsu asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. They were all outside the guild. Sebastian looked back, then fourth. He then lowed his head and took a knee.

"Young master, except my deepest apologies?" Sebastian asked as if it was a question. Ciel cocked an eyebrow. "I-I have seemed to got my white gloves dirty." He lifted up his gloves that were covered with strawberry cake and icing. Ciel threw his palm to his face.

"That is all?" Ciel asked.

"... Not quite." Sebastian said. He got off his knee. "Our train departs within the hour." Sebastian said calmly.

"Is that the bad news or the good news?!" Lucy asked. She was clearly frustrated with Sebastian and his poor humor. Sebastian made eye contact with her.

"The good news is the train is departing soon, the bad news is I got my gloves dirty." Sebastian said. Lucy's mouth dropped.

"Its okay Luce." Natsu said. "They have to leave eventually. Especially with Erza still on her cake rage." Natsu added, even though he baked her a year supply of cake.

"True." Ciel said. "We may need to head back considering that our clothes are back at your place." Ciel pointed out. Ciel was the damper of the moment. All he thought about was disobeying the Queen. Lucy shook her head as they made that long, awkward walk back to her apartment. They finally broke the silence. 

"... Hey! Ciel! Sebastian!" Lucy turned around before unlocking the door. Ciel and Sebastian's attention went to Lucy.

"What is it?" Ciel asked.

"I know when we first met we didnt like each other or care much about each other." Lucy stated. " But, it was nice to catch up again and become friends." Lucy smiled as she wiped a tear from her eye. Ciel looked at Lucy as she turned around and started to unlock the door.

"It was an honor meeting you both, Lucy Heartfillia and Natsu Dragneel." Sebastian spoke before Ciel could.

"Yeah, same." Natsu said.

"To be honest-" Ciel tried to speak again

"You two were cool yourselves." Natsu cut Ciel off. "You two got me fired up the first time I met you guys." Natsu said as he was leaning, waiting for Lucy to open the door.

"Ah-ha!" Lucy shouted as she opened the door.

"As I was say-" Ciel began.

"Happy!" Natsu yelled as the blue cat flew towards Natsu. Ciel grew frustrated. "You do as I say?" Natsu asked.

"Aye sir!" Happy shouted.

"What did you ask Happy to do?" Lucy asked.

"Hehe." Natsu paused. "Stall the train until they leave." Natsu smiled.

"Well, thank you." Sebastian said.

"As I was saying before we got into-" Ciel continued.

"Who wants tea?" Lucy asked.

"Would everyone shut up and let me talk?!" Ciel shouted. It got quiet. "All I was trying to say was." Ciel cleared is throat. "I never thought I would become friends with anyone the likes of you. But, you two have been great companions." Ciel said. All eyes widened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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