Cops and Robbers

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"Hey guys, Sky here and I'm with Ssundee, SetoSorcerer, Captainsparklez and Bodil40, and today we're playing Cops and R... ow..."

Sky was cut off by me punching him. Laughter erupted in the Skype chat, including Bodil' s awesome laugh.

"Thank you Ssundee, and as I was saying. Today we're playing Cops and Robbers. I'm an being the warden here so you idiots better watch out."

Sky laughed and hopped onto the tile that starts the game.

I teleported into my jail cell and found myself with Captainsparklez. Haha... this will be fun.


"Owowowowow." I yelled as Sky hit me with his bow, I opened the wardens office and stepped onto the tile.

Your gamemode has been changed.

"Go Ssundee!" I heard the others cheering me on as I ran up the stairs. They had all died.

I could actually do this... I told myself as I ran across the bridge leading to the door.

You died...

I looked in the bottom left of my screen and apparently I had been shot by Sky.

"God dangit" I shouted as I was teleported into the dead cell with the others.

"Hahahahahaha, you thought you could escape me?" Sky shouted, imitating an evil laugh which set Bodil40 off laughing once again.

Seto was sitting on the stone bed, staying quiet. Bodil40 was getting himself stuck on the cobwebs on the ceiling, pretending to be a light. Captainsparklez was messing about with the toilet.

Sky ran up to where we were located and stood outside the fence blocking us in.

"So... Seto and Ssundee, you all set for the camping trip next week?" Sky asked.

"Of course I am, I'm so excited!" I shouted.

Seto just nodded, he seems a bit down, I'll talk to him later.

"Soooo, what's this camping trip you're speaking of?" Captainsparklez asked.

Sky perked up a bit, he's always excited to talk about what he is doing.

"Well, me, Deadlox, Seto, Ssundee, BajanCanadian and JeromeASF are going on a little camping trip, there is a little guy we've hired in the forest we are going too. We are going to do lots of fun activities. I'm so excited."

I nodded in agreement, I don't get to hang with the guys as often anymore, so it is a big deal for me to be involved in this. I'm just sad that Minecraft Universe and HuskyMudkip couldn't come.

"HEY!" Sky shouted, making everyone jump and causing Bodil40 to fall from the ceiling, which set him off laughing.

"Jordan and Martin, why don't you two come with us? We were going to have two others but they unfortunately couldn't come due to them doing other things, but you two can replace them. Please?" Sky said.

Captainsparklez's character jumped up and down.

"Yes! I would love to."

Bodil40 ran up to Captainsparklez and started jumping up and down with him.

"I'm in too, I'd love to come"

Sky jumped up and down in his spot.

"Yay, once this is over, i'll tell the others, I'm even more excited now."


"Yahoo! I reached the boat!" I yelled, joining Captainsparklez and Seto on the boat, all we needed was Bodil, who was jumping down the parkour bit.

"Oh no you don't" Sky shouted, hitting Bodil with his baton, sending him flying into the boat.

"Aaaaaaaaaah, half a heart, I only have half a heart" Bodil screamed, running towards the pressure plate.

"Half a heart is left but don't die, die, die." Captainsparklez sang, laughing. Reciting his Minecraft parody, Revenge.

I started to laugh, I love that song, and it fits so perfectly with the situation.

"HALF A HEART IS LEFT BUT DON'T DIEEEEEEE!" Bodil40 screamed as he jumped onto the plate.

"We win!" Seto screamed, jumping up and down.

I laughed, it was always a good feeling to win, and also to listen to Sky moaning.

"Ugh, I guess that's it for today guys. That was Cops and Robbers and I'll see you in the next one." Sky said, pretending to sound sad, but failing.

We all stopped our recordings.

"I guess I'll have to go and pack for next week." Captainsparklez said, Bodil40 agreeing with him.

"Sure, I'll tell you everything later." Sky said.

"Well, I'm going to do my Derp intro and then pack" I said.

I ended the call and changed my skin to Derp Ssundee. I don't know why, but everything I do that, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

I shook it off and did my intro in my derp voice.

"Mom said she would love me if I came here,"

I moved the camera around the jail, showing where he was, then zooming into his face.

"Do you love me now Mommy?"

I changed my skin back to Ssundee, I felt really uncomfortable with the Derp Ssundee skin on.

Ok, I'll edit this, then go pack. I'm looking forward to this trip even more. I'm sure Captainsparklez and Bodil40 will make the trip so much better.

I turned on my software and started editing.

The Fight Within (Book 1 of Ssundee Battle Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now