Chapter 23

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The medbay has gotten a little suffocating.

There are people there now, all sleeping. Superboy, Aqualad, Miss Martian, Robin and Zatanna are all dozing around me. Amo doesn't show up. The lights are all off, but she doesn't come out.

I can't relax with the people here, so I can't sleep. I try to read, but I'm not relaxed enough for that either.

So I get bored. It doesn't take long, actually. Only about twenty minutes.

That habit's probably going to get annoying soon.

But more than my boredom, I'm curious. What's beyond the medbay?

I glance around at the sleeping forms, kind of wishing Robin was awake so he could show me around, but he's dead out. He hasn't even shifted since he fell asleep.

My power had also been slowly building up, pressing against my chest, and I kinda wanted to try it out again. I slide off the bed, letting my flight kick in so I can hover. This feels cool!

I move forward, slipping instinctually into the previously forgotten habit. When I reach the door, I phase right through, another instinct.

Okeedokee... Right or left?

Huh, let's go right. Why not?

I float silently down the halls and come into a big cavernous room with the biggest TV I've ever seen. Well, I don't remember any specific TVs, but it's has to be the biggest. It's as big as the wall.

There's a kitchen with all these shiny appliances, dining room with a huge table and comfortable chairs, a living room decked out with books and couches, and a foosball table. Wow. This place is nice!

I follow another hall and find a huge training room. There's all kind of gymnastics things, a running track, weight training, a pool, mats. There are even rings hung from the ceiling.

I don't actually stop and use any of the stuff; I'm just looking. Exploring is one thing, but I don't have permission to touch any of this stuff. Though I doubt they'd be too mad, if they're anything like Robin.

There's a hallway of doors that I assume are bedrooms based on their plaques (they have names), a room with a ship that also has ocean access, a library, and the biggest room.

It has a huge computer with several screens accompanied with a work station that has a couple things scattered on it. There's a weird glass plate on one side of the room, too, and a huge contraption set inside the wall. Otherwise, it's empty.

Okay, well. Now what.

There are no windows, I notice. Are we underground? Given the amount of stone, I wouldn't be surprised. But it doesn't really... smell like it. Yeah, yeah, I'm crazy. But being underground has this certain smell. Like dirt and moisture. This place smells more like sea water and rock.

A shadow flits across the darkened floor. At first, I expect the worst, but I soon recognize this particular shadow. Amo.

I approach it, but it flits away. I try again with the same result.

Is... Is this a game?

I follow warily, not interested in a game of tag. Amo leads me through the halls again and into the sea access room. It climbs up the walls. I lift myself higher. It moves onto the ceiling, flitting over the top of the ship.

It's a hatch.


Amo disappears. I don't move. It comes back, as if wondering why I didn't follow. Then, it disappears again. Still, I stay where I am.

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