Hi guys, patalastas

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Hi friends!

My father, Geronimo D. Tolosa, a 52-year-old elementary school teacher, needs to undergo an angioplasty as soon as possible. The doctor said that we need to prepare at least P400,000.00 for his angioplasty, not including the doctors' fee, medicine and other possible expenses.

He has already exhausted his health card for the angiogram and other tests done previously. He already claimed half of his retirement benefits for this treatment. So far, we have raised P200,000.00, but we're going to need more.

We're targeting to schedule the treatment before August, when school starts again.

Please help us raise funds for his angioplasty the soonest possible time. Let us restore his heart. Your help will be very much appreciated, whether in finances or in prayers. Thank you so much for your generosity. May the Lord give it back to you a hundredfold, in ways you have never imagined.

BPI Family Savings Bank
Angelica Faye Tolosa

ichi-go ichi-eTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang