Chapter two- S.H.I.E.L.D Headquaters.

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I frowned, reading the files Agent Coulson had given me.
It was something to do with an 'Iron Man,' a 'Hulk,' 'Black Widow,' 'Hawkeye,' and some other people that I felt like I'd probably meet later on. I closed the file quietly, and sat back on the old, wooden bench connected to the helicopter we were in. I shut my eyes, and instantly dove into my Mind-Garden. Yes, I got the idea from Sherlock Holmes, but mine was a bit different. Firstly, not all my memories were in my Mind-Garden, just the most important ones and my favourite memories.
I store things into my Mind-Garden, and sometimes I delete things. For example, I deleted my knowledge on petty things, like the Solar System and why the sky's blue. When I delete things, I try to be careful so I don't delete things about people.
I wouldn't call them friends, because I've only got one friend, Charlie, but they are more like my workmates.
My Mind-Garden also helps me practice my ever growing powers, and it helps me teleport things that I left somewhere into my hands. In this case, one of my books.
I searched through the flowers and bushes surrounding my Mind-Garden, and found the book I was looking for. I grabbed it, moved it into my hands, and exited my Garden.
I opened my eyes, and found myself back in the helicopter, my book in my hands.
I decided to start reading it, seeing as the ride would probably be another twenty minutes.

It was around eleven PM when we landed. Half an hour longer than I expected, but oh well.
I followed Phil out the helicopter, and on to an even larger helicopter-like platform. It was in the middle of an ocean, and it was kind of like a submarine... It was really, really, hard to explain.
The sky was almost pitch black, but the night was clear. No rain, clouds, stars, or anything. I was sort of tired, not that I'd ever admit it.
"Director Fury should be inside, if you'll follow me," Phil ordered, leading me inside.
I was kind of thankful to be inside, seeing as it was like three degrees outside, but inside it was just as cold, and I was immediately mentally kicking myself for not wearing a jumper. We walked through numerous corridors, which led to other corridors, when we finally made it to a main room.
People in skin-tight suits sat at computers, quite obviously tracking phones, laptops, and anything else with a built in GPS. You learn some things while working in IT at Google. There was a large table at the front, where Phil and I walked in, and sitting in each of the chairs were four people- They weren't wearing the suits, and they looked like the people from the files. Annoyingly, I couldn't place names to faces. I knew that the one female, a woman with short red hair, was Black Widow, but I couldn't name anyone else.
At the head of the table was a man in a black trench coat and over his right eye was an eye patch. He looked like he was a man of importance- He was probably Director Fury.

"So, Fury, is she why we've been waiting for two hours here?" A cocky-looking man with a egotistic, smug stature asked, glancing at me.

"Yes, Tony," Director Fury replied gingerly, "Take a seat, Miss Insanity."

"Thanks," I smiled softly, sitting next to a blonde haired man.

"You should all know why you're here. Loki, God of Mischief and Lies, is threatening Earth. And we need to stop him. I'll spare you the details, as it's late at night. Your rooms are all in the closest corridor, you all know your rooms. Insanity, follow Steve Rogers, your room is left to his. Meet back here at nine. Dismissed." Fury ordered, before turning his back.

"I'm Steve Rogers, ma'am, just follow me." The blonde haired man smiled at me, as everyone stood up and parted ways.

"Right... Don't call me ma'am, I'm not 'above' you, Steve, if anything, I'm below you." I replied grimly, following him.

We rounded the corner, and started to walk into a dark, and dirty, corridor, "So, what's your name?" Steve asked.

"Insanity. I don't really have a last name." I replied, materializing my duffel bag (Which I'd forgotten on the helicopter,) into my right hand.

"That's an... Interesting name."

"That's an interesting reply." I shot back.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude." Steve frowned. I know I shouldn't have known, but he seemed disappointed in himself.

"You seem upset. Why?" I asked, tipping my head to the side.

"I'm not. Don't worry about it," Steve laughed awkwardly, and stopped when we reached a door, "Well, this is my room, yours is just left of this one. Have a good sleep, Insanity. See you in the morning," He smiled, before entering his room.
I walked the small few centimeters to my room, and opened the door. Stepping in, I looked around. It was small, with only a small bed, desk, and bedside table with an alarm clock beside it, but it looked cozy.
Yawning, I used my telekinesis to dump it at the foot of the bed, before rifling through it.
I took out my pajamas, which were just some sweat pants and a plain tank top, and changed.
I checked the number on my wrist, which remained thirty, and got into bed.
Sleep swept over me in seconds, and soon everything was dark.

That was chapter two! Excuse the general crappiness of it, I promise that it'll get better next chapter.
I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!


Edited: 5/12/2014.

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