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(Yes, I know, I've posted the first chapter of the next book but I don't give a flying firetruck.)


I frowned, biting my lip as I packed up all my things in my apartment. I've decided not to use my ever-growing powers for this sort of thing and save my powers for when I really need them.
Thanks to my healing abilities, I've gotten out of a trip to the E.R, and yet I still don't remember anything that happened between the time that I fell out of the Helicarrier, to the time when I woke up by this big beacon on the top of Stark tower.

I honestly don't know what I'm going to do, seeing as I've quit my job at Google because I feel like I never belonged there in the first place, but I have changed my name to Sanity for some strange reason. I think it fits me more now.

After being possessed by Tesseract, facing the fact that I didn't die which is a plus, I've started to doubt if Neo was ever in my life, because everything was always hazy and I know that after a really horrible thing happened, the human brain sometimes makes up memories.

I don't know what I am anymore.

I know one thing for certain- I don't ever want to be found by S.H.I.E.L.D. again. Ever again.

The Depths Of Insanity. [The Avengers ff.] *Completed!*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora