Chapter ten- Where'd Insanity Go?

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Sorry for the wait everybody :) I don't exactly remember how they all got to New Times Square or whatever it is, so I'm going to do it my own way.... If that's alright with you guys :) Also, this chapter is a load of shit. Like seriously. I have writer's block, but I need to finish this so I can get onto the sequel, so it's incredibly shitty. Sorry :/


It has finally been four hours since Insanity disappeared.

And we, the rest of the Avengers, are on our way in one of the many Twinjets to where Natasha claimed Loki was- to New York's time-square or whatever it's called. 

"Okay, so where exactly is Loki?" Stark asked, his voice was robotic- He was wearing his metal suit.

"Ontop of your tower- He's trying to open a portal of some sort." I replied sarcastically. "Okay, lets make a list of who we don't have..."

"Thor, Bruce, and Insanity. Three people, capsicle. We didn't need a list," Tony's voice answered.

"Uh huh. Okay, T-Man, are you gonna go down to your tower first, or will we," I gestured at the cockpit, where Natasha and Barton (Who hasn't been here for the whole time,) were flying the plane, "Fly there?"

"I'm flying down in a few, you're gonna jump, and the two love-birds will fly."


Before I could say any thing else, Tony flew out of the Quinjet, leaving me, Nat and Barton in the plane.

"We'll drop you off in a few minutes, alright?" Natasha's voice rang out from the cockpit.

"Don't worry 'bout that, I can make my way to STARK Towers pretty easily from here." I replied before jumping out of the plane.


"I'm gonna swing by that forest, if that's alright by you, Barton." I looked over to Clint, who was sitting beside me on the Quinjet.

"Sure. Why?" 

"Because I have a hunch..." I trailed off, knowing how stupid that sounded.

Luckily, Clint didn't think twice about it, and nodded. "Sure thing, Nat."

I smiled to myself, before turning the plane around.

That was chapter ten :) Sorry about how shitty it was ._.

I'll post chapter eleven in the next week or so :)

Thanks for reading!

Bye!! <3

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