Chapter eight- That escalated quickly.

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A/N: I realised that I've barely scratched the surface of Insanity- What she likes, what she doesn't like, etc, so I promise in the following chapters I'll go more in depth.


"I just need to grab your right arm for a second, so I can have a blood sample," Bruce smiled at me, holding up a rather large needle.

I was sitting on a cold bench, which was facing the door, in Bruce's lab.

I flinched as he got closer- Since the experiments when I was little, I've always been scared of needles.

"Hey, it'll be okay," He smiled softly at me again, "Are you scared?"

I refused to act petty, so I shook my head, "No. I just... Really hate needles."

"Don't worry, Insanity. I just need some blood, it won't hurt." He soothed, taking my arm and running his finger over the calligraphy numbers which now, for some random reason, read '0.5.'

"It changed," he whispered.

"No shit, Sherlock." I remarked, turning my head away from the large needle.

"You know," He frowned, "You act so tough and like you don't care, but I know that deep down you're dying inside. You just need someone to talk to."

"You're wrong," I grimaced, feeling him jab the needle inside my arm, where the tattoo-like thing was.

"No, I know you're unhappy." I heard him say, "So, what's your favourite TV show?"

"Supernatural. What about you?"

"I don't want TV."

'Then why'd you ask?' I thought gingerly.

When I didn't reply, he asked another question, "Your least favourite food?"

"Shawarma. You?"

Bruce laughed, "Brussel Sprouts." (A/N: I dunno if this is true.)


"Favourite book?"

"Uhh... This'll seem childish, but How To Train Your Dragon." I replied

"That isn't childish. I like The Maze Runner."


"In three days."

"Happy early birthday," Bruce grinned. His smile took up half his face- it was a proper smile. A beautiful smile, which just complimented the rest of his beauti- Stop it, Insanity!

"Are you nearly done?" I asked.

"Yep, just about." He smiled.

I felt a painful tug, and my arm started to sting.

I looked over, and Bruce was staring at the needle.

"Your blood... It's... Blue!"

"I know," I laughed.

"Okay, let me run through some tests, and then I'll tell you what I've found." Bruce walked over to his computer, "Stay here, though."

"Want a Blue-berry?" My head shot up when I was nudged by someone.

"Hmm?" I grumbled incoherently. Tony was standing in front of me with a packet of Blue-berries. "Damn it Tony, I swear if you wake me up again I will kill you."

"Yeah, yeah. Want a Blue-berry?" He rolled his eyes, nudging me again with the packet.

"Sure," I smiled, reaching into the bag and grabbing out two of the small berries.

As I ate them, I watched Tony and Bruce talk in hushed voices- I wasn't sure what they were talking about, and I didn't want to try sleeping again, seeing as someone else could walk in at any moment.

"Okay, Insanity, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that you're not going to die." Bruce grinned.

"The bad news?"

"The bad news is that when that timer runs out, you will go into a comatose state, and something else will take over your body. You will know what you're doing at the time- you will see and feel and be able to think, but you won't remember what happened when, if, you take back your mind." Bruce's face turned grim.

"That's not too bad. How do I take back my mind?"

"By fighting what ever," Tony walked over to me, "Is in there." He tapped my forehead.

"I can do that." I nodded.

Tony frowned, before going back to talking to Bruce.

I could hear snippets of their conversation- at one point Tony asked why she was so calm, and Bruce replied with 'haven't you ever heard a 'sorry' coming out of her mouth? She is a sociopath- they are, normally, calm with life threatening situations,' and then they shared a glance.

I was about to doze off again, when I heard an annoyed 'Ow!' and loud footsteps as someone entered the room.

"What do you think you're doing?" Came a bossy voice from the door. Steve.

"I'm gonna go get some.. uh... Proper food." I grumbled awkwardly, before jumping off the bench and heading towards the cafeteria.

(A/N: TBH this next bit is absolutely terrible. Sorry.)

I bit into a cheese sandwich when I heard it.

A really loud, ear-splitting 'bang,' and I certainly didn't expect to go flying into the wall.

"Well, shit," I muttered to myself, feeling relieved that no one else was in the Helicarrier's cafeteria. I could feel adrenaline coursing through my veins as I got back to my feet, and I rushed out the building, running to get to the lab- Running so I could tell the others.

I was just outside the room, and I knew I wasn't paying attention when I felt another 'Jolt,' heard a 'Crack' and suddenly I was falling.

The Depths Of Insanity. [The Avengers ff.] *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now