Chapter twelve- The Depths of Insanity.

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I gripped one of the Chitauri's spears, kicking its feet and knocking it to the ground. With the spear, I cut its head off, ignoring the cry that Romanoff sent me.

"Insanity! Seriously, can you help me?" She had yelled.

I smirked, 'They really don't know it isn't you, right Insanity?' I thought.

'Give... Me... Back... My... Body!' Insanity's thought came back through.

'Mmm, nope!' I replied, before placing a hand on a Chitaurie's forehead, smiting it.

The rush that a good kill gave me felt good, I hadn't killed anyone, or thing, in a long time. Damn Loki, harnessing my abilities.

I glanced over my, Insanity's, shoulder and was greeted with Stephen Rogers.

"Yeah, Cap?" I asked, trying to act alike to Insanity.

"Stark is talking to Loki, think you can teleport up to Stark Towers with Nat? We need to," Steve paused for a moment as he killed a Chitauri with his shield, "Close the damn portal."

A smirk spread across my face, "Of course, Steve." I replied through gritted teeth, before running -and jumping over a few cars- to Natasha.

"Nat, Steve wants us to go-," I started.

"Close the portal. I know, let's go." Romanoff finished my sentence, which pissed me off immensely, but without saying anything, I placed my hand -or better, I willed Insanity's hand- to Natasha's forehead, and we were teleported to the rooftop of Stark Towers.

I'd never been to Stark towers, being stuck on some strange meteor in the middle of space for so long, but I can say that it's a pretty large space.

Well, from the rooftop, of course.

I watched as Natasha sashayed away from me and towards an old scientist who was tinkering with a machine. They spoke a few words, before she knocked him out. Honestly, she'd be a pretty good fighter if she was on my side.

I smirked, watching as she spoke into her Bluetooth earpiece, her back turned. She couldn't see me, and knocking her out would be pretty easy- Hell, I could smite her and everyone would think it was the scientist.

I teleported behind her, quickly deciding wether or not to smite her, and was about to smite her when she spun around, kicking me to the ground and my head landed on the cemented roof with a loud bang.


I glared at Insanity's limp body, "Rogers, do you copy?" I barked into the earpiece.

"I copy." Steve's voice rang through the device.

"Yeah, I think Insanity's a traitor. She tried to kill me, pretty stupid considering we are in the middle of a battle. But she did, of course." I replied.

"That doesn't sound right. Can you see her arm? Does it have a number?" He asked.

I bent down, eying her arm. I looked for a number, before switching to her other arm. In black calligraphy read '0.'

"Yeah. The number is zero."

"Damn it. Tony told be that she'd be possessed or something when it reaches zero."

"So she's possessed? Or does she just have bipolar disorder?"

"Neither. I think you should shut off the reactor and try to get her to talk."

"Okay." I yelled, and was about to go over and shut it off when Tony's voice came through.

"Guys, I'm brining in the queen-bee. I'm brining the party to you."

I looked up as a giant thing, a huge serpent-like creature, came around the reactor and down into the city.

"Umm..." Clint's voice came through, "That's not a party."

"Shut up. Nat, shut it down the moment you see me in the sky. I don't care what happens, shut it down. I've already tried fighting this thing, and the portal is directly above the city. Close it when you see me, and it, coming up towards it."

"Alright." I made the short journey, around Insanity's and the scientist's body, to the reactor.

"I see him!" I heard Insanity get up, off the ground, "Don't close it, Nat! He'll die!"

"You tried to kill me, I don't want to hear it!"

"I did? Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. I'm so sorry. I really am."

"Shut up, Insanity. Don't talk, don't go anywhere, just stand there. Okay? Good."
And with that, I pulled the lever on the reactor, and I saw Tony falling from the sky.

(A/N: I know that this fic is really bad, but hold on for another paragraph. It'll end soon, and the sequel is definitely waaaay better. Aight? C:)
I pierced my lips together, watching as Stark fell from the sky, and I knew that if I didn't interfere, he'd fall to his death.
I honestly don't know what I was thinking when I spread my wings, flapping vigorously towards the falling body.
The pain was unbearable, and I felt like screaming, but he's more important then me.
I raced to get under him as he descended, catching his surprisingly heavy iron body and I started to fall under his weight.
Thinking quickly, for the first time in three minutes, I teleported him down, leaving me in the air.
I beat my wings three or four more times, before teleporting away.
Leaving the Avengers to be together.
I never belonged with them.
I belonged by myself, with Charlie, in my boring job that a sixteen-now-seventeen year old shouldn't have.
They don't need me.
I'm Insanity.
I know what I am, and what I'm not.
I don't know, but I think that Sociopath lies under the latter, now.
And they're nowhere near ready to even brim the depths of me.

Aaaaaand there we go! Six months later, we have twelve chapters and now it is done!
I'm sorry that this was shitty, I had to follow the movie script and I wanted to finish this before Christmas/Hanukkah/Whatever you celebrate. (I'm sorry if I misspelt Hanukkah!)
The sequel WILL be better, so keep your eyes open for it!
I'll have the prologue out for it before December 25th, promise!
Thank you all for reading, I'll see you in the sequel (hopefully!)

Also, I'm publishing this using the App, so if anything is dodgy (bold things not bold, things like that) please tell me and I'll fix it up :)

The Depths Of Insanity. [The Avengers ff.] *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now