Chapter six- Why is Thor kidnapping Loki?

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Okay, I lied in chapter one- This'll still be 1-2 days... Probably... Yeah :) Enjoy this chapter :)


As I had started to stand up when the thunder and lightning began, when the large force collided with this small twinjet, I fell back to the ground again. I wasn't injured, small injuries like scrapes haven't affected me since I was eight, and I kept my head up.

A muscular, blonde haired man had crashed through the entrance, and was strutting towards Loki. He held a rather large looking hammer, and I immediately knew who he was- Thor Odinson, the arrogant prince of some place or another.

"Hey!" Tony yelled at the prince, but Thor barely glanced at Stark.

Thor then nodded at Natasha and I, before leaping out the twinjet with Loki in his arms.

'I ship it,' I thought to myself, 'OTP!'

"I'll go get them," I grimly stated, before disappearing from the twinjet and appearing again behind a rock, on a cliff edge.

'Well, this is safe,' I thought, peering around the rock. Thor and Loki were fighting about who knows what. I heard static in the ear piece which I still had on, and Tony's voice came through.

'Insane in the membrane, on the count of three, dive into Thor.'

'Okay,' I whispered into the ear piece, before awaiting his instruction. I ignored his nick name that he used, partly because I was going to end up dying soon enough, and starting a fight about a nick name is complete bull.




I dove out from under the rock, feeling my shoulder blades shift painfully and a ruffle of feathers lifted out from each sleeve of the tank top, and I started to lift myself higher and higher with the pitch black wings I had never really used.

"You listen here, brother!" Thor had yelled, he still hadn't noticed me. He opened his mouth to bark an order, but couldn't finish his sentence as Tony and I barrel-rolled into him, knocking him off the cliff edge.

Tony used his suit to fly him down into the forest where Thor had fell, but my wings swayed in the warm air, flickering and threatening to disappear into my shoulder blades again, which I knew was going to be more then painful.

'Damn it Insanity,' A voice that seemed homicidal, it almost seemed like it wasn't my own thoughts, 'You really don't know how to use your wings, do you? It seemed much easier to Castiel, and Gabriel, and all those other Angels on TV. Well, guess what sunshine? This isn't TV land. This is real life, so stop pretending that you know how to use these powers of yours, and just die already. You'll love being dead. No one ever bothers you. Of course Steve would cr-,' I pushed the thoughts out of my mind. I didn't want to hear what the voice, what my voice, was going to say.

The third last sentence, however, made my blood run cold- I knew I was going to die in, what, twenty eight days? But it was true, I needed to stop pretending. Apart from being a fangirl, what was I?

A sociopath with no friends and a thing for trench coats. And that was all I was.

The wings fluttered once more, and before I could teleport safely to the ground, they slowly made their way back into my shoulders- The pain was excruciating, and the pain was too much to bear. I couldn't scream, or yelp in pain. This was full on 'My teeth are being pulled out with a pair of rusty pliers while my legs are being sawed off all without a simple pain killer' pain. And despite this pain, I still had to teleport to the ground.

Gritting my teeth, I teleported myself to where Tony, Thor and now Steve were fighting. I couldn't do anything, my wings were still caught up in my shoulder blades, making it even more excruciating as it already was, so all I could do was hunch over in pain, as if I was throwing up. The wings made their final pull, and along with the pain, they were gone.

It left a throbbing sensation, but I could still stand up and stand my ground, which in this case, meant breaking up the fight.

(A/N: I forgot how they stopped 'fighting' or whatever, and I'm too lazy to go back and re watch The Avengers, so let's just roll with this, k?)


"STOP!" I heard a shout coming from Insanity, and we all (Thor, including) turned around. She ran her hand through her hair before continuing, "Stop fighting!"

"The lady with blue hair is right," Thor boomed. (A/N: I suck at nicknames, sorry xD) "Let us stop fighting."

"Then why'd you take Loki?" I spat angrily.

"Because he belongs in Asgard."

"We will handle it better. We will not kill him," Insanity scowled, "We promise. But he has killed thousands of people in under forty minutes, so, let us have him for now. Besides, I think Director Fury wanted you."

Wow, she had a knack with words.

Tony coughed, "Break up the chick flick moment, will you let us have Loki or not?"

"Fine, man of iron."

I apologize for the shortness of this chapter (The word count is 891), I promise I'll make a longer chapter later. I'm going back to school tomorrow, so each chapter might be out later then usuall. Sorry :/

The Depths Of Insanity. [The Avengers ff.] *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now