Chapter four- Training and Depressing Conversations.

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Trigger Warning:
Death, Suicide (Kind of?).


"Thank you all for coming," Fury looked down at all of us. Firstly, he glanced at the brown haired man, "Banner, have you got any information on the Tesseract?"

'Banner,' which I'm guessing is his surname, shook his head, "Sorry, Director."

"Okay. Well then, Banner, you can go back to locating the Tesseract. Rogers, Stark, Romanoff and Insanity, head to the training room." Director Fury ordered, before turning around to talk to a black-haired S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

"I'll show you where it is, Insanity." Steve smiled at me as we all got up.

"That'd be great," I smiled back, before following him, who was walking behind Tony and Black Widow.

Music blared in my ears. It was just me and the gun. I took a deep breath through my nose, and breathed out, and...
The bullet, unfortunately not a real one of course, it was a one made of sponge, flew through the air, planting itself in the bulls eye of the target.
Smiling to myself, I took out my left ear bud, and glanced down at my phone.
Twist And Shout by The Beatles was playing. I unlocked my phone, and started to flick through the songs I had, when I finally settled on Elvis Presley. I put the left ear bud back into my ear, and started to walk towards the target. I unclipped the bullet and put it back into the gun. (A/N: I know this isn't how bullets work, but this is S.H.I.E.L.D weaponry we're talking about, not normal weaponry.)
Guns, and hand-to-hand combat were the only two fighting methods that I was good at, apart from using my powers, which I could do quite well. I sighed, and unlocked my phone again.
I was really, really bored. I didn't usually use the gym back at home, partly because I was already rather fit, and partly because I've never really gotten into a fight. Every week on a Friday afternoon I'd go to a shooting range to practice, though. I was pretty good with a handgun, if I do say so myself.
Turning up the sound of my music, my eyes scanned the training room, other then the guns, there were bows and arrows, punching bags, an arena, and three treadmills. My eyes lit up at the sight of the treadmills, so, weaving through Black Widow and Tony, who were sparring (Black Widow was beating him easily,) and Steve who was practically murdering a punching bag, I walked over to the treadmills.
I stepped onto the nearest one to me, set the controls to "Medium," and started to run.
Elvis was still playing, (I had approximately thirty songs by him,) and as I ran, I began to remember the day that I had ran away.
It was cold, rain pattered down onto the cold pavement of the outskirts of New York. I had crawled through an open window that Neo, my father, had stupidly left open. I shuddered in the cold, before starting to sprint out of the garden, and into the world that I hadn't seen for five years. It had changed, but I had no time to stop and look around. I had to keep running, keep going until I found shelter. I yelped in surprise as I tripped over a rock, but got to my feet quickly, and kept running. The injury didn't sting, it didn't hurt at all. I couldn't feel blood, but instead a tingling sensation that went away as soon as it had came.
I had been running until around midnight, when I ran into a blonde-haired lady, who told me to call her Pepper...
I was brought back to reality, where I was still running on the treadmill, when someone tapped my shoulder. I didn't stop running, my eyes fixed straight in front of me, but I took out one of my ear buds, "Yep?"

"What're you listening to?" The voice sounded like Steve.

I smiled to myself, "Elvis."

"Really? Huh."

"Yeah. I can dig Elvis." I turned my head towards Steve, "What's up?" I asked, jumping off the treadmill and turning it off.

"The roof." Steve replied, a confused look on his face that kind of reminded me of Castiel.

I laughed softly, rolling up the sleeves of my trench coat, "No, I mean, what do you want?"

"Oh. I was just wondering, Natasha and Tony went to get some lunch, I was wondering if you'd like to as well." Steve asked.

I'm guessing that Black Widow was Natasha, "Yeah, sure."

"Cool. Well, c'mon!" Steve laughed.

"Alright," I replied, following Steve out.


Insanity and I walked down the corridors, I was leading her to the cafeteria. She'd only been here for a day, while Tony, Nat, Bruce and I had been here for two. I took a sideways glance at her- Insanity was half my size, but her legs were long and slim. She was wearing a tan trench coat that seemed too big for her, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She was also wearing black leggings, and a plain black singlet shirt. Her brown skin turned a light tan shade in the light, and her hair was an abnormal sky blue. It fell to her back, and was curled at the ends. Her facial details were delicate, bone structure turning her face into one of a pixie or fairy. She had a crazy look in her eyes, and her stature gave off hints that she'd seen things she can't forget. I've seen that look in Bucky and other soldiers from World War Two.
I noticed a tattoo on her right wrist, with the number '29' written in black calligraphy, surrounded by scars.
"Insanity," I started.

Her head darted towards me, "Hmm?"

"What's with the tattoo?"

She glanced down at her wrist, "Oh... Uh, long story. The short version is that it's a countdown to my death," She replied, seeming pretty chilled out.

'Countdown...' The word flew around my mind, "Countdown... To your... How are you so calm about it?!"

Insanity coughed, "I dunno, it never really phased me. I welcome death. When I was nine I leapt into a river but a lady named Pepper dragged me out, told me not to do that again, that I was worth something in this idiotic world, and I understood. It's quite simple." She shrugged.

The idea of death quite obviously didn't bother her in the least. Sympathetic, I took her head in my hands, "You... You were..." I took a deep breath, "Are you okay?"

"I'm kinda hungry, but yeah, I guess?" She laughed awkwardly.

"I'm being serious."
"Fine. I'm happy with myself, but I know I'm no hero. I'm just a sociopath," She ran her left hand through her hair, and pulled my hands away from her, "But yeah, I'm fine."

"Good," I smiled, "C'mon," I started to lead her again to the cafeteria.


I was about to take a bite of my apple, when a loud siren went off. It was a blaring, obnoxious sound, and I felt like blocking my ears, but Steve shook my shoulder.
"We need to go to the bridge, come on!" He ordered.
I stood up, and teleported there.
"Yes?" I asked, looking around. Tony and I were the only ones there, but I knew Natasha and Steve would be coming around the corner in a few seconds.

"We've found Loki. He's in Germany," Director Fury half shouted. "We need you all to go and get him. Bring him back here. Alive."
Natasha, who had shown up beside me, nodded, and we all started to run towards the entrance of the helicarrier.

That was chapter four! I hope you enjoyed :)
I might start to make chapters around this length :3
Thanks for reading! Bye!

Edited: 5/12/2014

Re-Read and edited properly: 18/01/2015

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