Chapter 17 - Trouble

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there's a storm in my head and it's killing all the flowers 


January 25, 2018: 10.47pm. 

"Jade! I'm going to play outside!" Laila calls, just as Jade finishes doing her own hair for the day at the studio. 

"No, you're not!" Jade responds quickly, she had a car coming in less than half an hour to take them to the studio for the day. She had just dressed Laila in a beautiful outfit and done her hair, she wasn't going to let her go out in the backyard. 

"What?! Why?" Laila responded unhappily, running back into Jade's room. 

"Because we are going out in twenty minutes and you aren't going to get your white dress dirty, you can play outside when we get home this afternoon" Jade explains, normally she lets Laila go and play outside whenever she likes but she knew that if she let her she wouldn't want to come in in just fifteen minutes time! 

"But I want to go outside now!" 

"And I have told you that you aren't going," Jade repeats. 

"Yes I am! You can't stop me!" Laila argues trying a different tactic. 

"No, Laila. You are not!" Jade sighed, getting incredibly frustrated. What could have been a simple 'no', Laila has decided to make incredibly difficult. 

"Yes I am!" Laila laughed, turning to walk out of Jade's room, she had already put on her trainers and had a jumper over her dress. 

"Laila Grace! You are not going to play outside right now! We are leaving in a minute and you aren't going outside, that is final," Jade said standing up her hair half straightened. 

"Nooo! I want too!" Laila said stamping her feet, Jade could sense the beginnings of a tantrum and immediately tried to stop in. 

"Laila, if you have a tantrum now then you will spend the next fifteen minutes until we are picked up in the corner," Jade warned seriously. 

"No! I am going outside!" Laila repeated, determined standing up herself in an attempt to make herself more serious and stomping her foot to prove a point. 

"For God's sake, Laila Grace! I have told you multiple times, you are not going out to play right now. If you stop this right now then you can go and watch the television until we leave or you can spend the time sitting in the corner, they are your only options," 

"NO! I hate you!" Laila yelled before storming out of the room. Jade pulled a hand through her half done hair, she didn't know where Laila had gotten that from and she knew she didn't mean it but it made her feel awful. Sighing, Jade quickly turned the straightening irons off deciding that she'll just have to put her hair up or the day, she followed Laila catching her just before she headed down the stairs. 

"I don't think so young lady," she scolded, walking her down the stairs and putting her into the 'naughty corner' in the kitchen. "You can sit there until we leave now, I'm really cross Laila," Jade finished leaving her and making herself a quick cup of coffee before they would have to go. 

January 25, 2018: 11.39pm. 

The half an hour trip to the studio had been quiet, Laila was still sulking about not being allowed  to go out and play and Jade didn't know what exactly to say to make her stop. She had tried to explain that she could go outside as soon as the got home and she had changed out of her white dress but Laila was so hung up on not having gone out earlier that meant nothing. 

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