Chapter 38 - Seven

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This is the last chapter of this book... :( :( 

I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it! 

I know there are a lot of things going on in the world at the moment, so I hope you and all of your families are keeping safe. If you haven't all ready and are bored at home in isolation or lockdown make sure you check out my new book 'The Stars'! 

It is very similar to this one so if you have enjoyed reading this, I think you will enjoy reading 'The Stars' which already has a few chapters published and I am going to try and publish more often over the next few weeks while we are stuck in our homes for a while. 


and above all watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places; those who don't believe in magic will never find it.


July 12, 2018: 7.54am. 

The day had finally arrived. 

Jade had spent weeks and weeks emailing and phoning and planning. She had shopped online and had a ridiculous amount of boxes arrive at her front door during the eight days since they had got home from tour. She was absolutely exhausted, and it felt like she had planned a wedding. 

But no. 

It was a soon-to-be seven year olds mermaid themed birthday party. 

"JADE! JADE!" Laila shrieked hurtling down the stairs. "It's party day! Party day!" she yelled crashing into Jade's legs excitedly. 

"It most definitely is my little mermaid!" Jade laughed throwing Laila into the air as she giggled widely. "You need to go and get dressed because we have some jobs we need to do," she said sending Laila up the stairs. 

The small girl emerged less than ten minutes later, dressed in her sparkly blue mermaid party dress, pink socks and silver miniature high heeled dress up shoes. 

"Wow!" Jade said her eyes widening at the sight. "You know it's not quite time for the party so shall we save the dress until this afternoon? and put some leggings on?" Jade suggested, leading the girl back upstairs. 

They had a few small things to do before they could get ready for the party; the three tiered mermaid cake had to be collected from the bakery, and the balloons from the party shop. Jade had to meet the party planner at the posh event venue to help set up and then return home to get Laila dressed in all of her party sparkles. The little girls actual birthday wasn't until tomorrow, but Jade had prepared her birthday presents that were stacked in her wardrobe and she couldn't wait to see her little face when she opened the surprise that she had planned! 

July 12, 2018: 1.34pm. 

Laila bounced excitedly on her toes as she peered out of the window. 

She was dressed in her sparkly mermaid dress, miniature silver high heels and a mermaid crown balancing on her long dark curly hair. Her much awaited birthday party was less than half an hour away, the large venue had been decorated, balloons, streamers and banners covered the white walls and tables of themed desserts, shell shaped sandwiches and plates more of the childs favourite foods. 

A life like mermaid was due to arrive along with the guests for a couple of hours of mermaid entertainment before Jade had planned for food and cake, and to say Laila was buzzing with excitement would be an understatement. 

"Jade! When are they coming?!" Laila shrieked for what felt like the fifth time in the past ten minutes. 

"Soon," Jade said calmly, "Go and play for a bit,"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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