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"Don't touch me you bastard!"

The girl thrashed around, throwing kicks and punches at any limb she could find. Her knee eventually hit a soft spot and sent the boy crashing to the ground, clutching his abdomen while groaning in pain.

The girl took this opportunity to get back up onto her feet and scramble out of the room.

When she stepped out of the door, she was met with the cold night breeze. It nipped at her skin through the holes in the thin material.

She frantically looked around at her surroundings. Trees surrounded the tiny cottage she stood in front of.

She ran a hand through her greasy, messed up hair in frustration.

She had no phone or money and the clothes she wore was barely enough to keep her warm from the cold.

So. . .

She ran.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her until finally she could run no more. . .

And she collapsed into a sobbing mess in the middle of the forest until no more tears could escape and her voice became as empty as she was.


"Park Chaeyoung!"

This snapped the half asleep girl right out of her daze. Her eyes widen at the sight of her angry professor standing at her desk with the chalk between his fingers slowly crumbling to dust.

"If you have no interest in my lecture, I would suggest not even attending my classes! Chemical engineering isn't for the fainthearted."

"I-I'm so sorry Sir, I didn't mean to fall asleep. It's just, I didn't really get much sleep last night." Chaeyoung looks up at her professor with an apologetic smile. A frustrated sigh leaves the older man's lips.

"Fine but if I catch you dazing off again and you miss out on work, do not expect me to repeat my lesson. Is that clear?"

"Yes Sir." The man nods and walks back to the front of the class, continuing with his lesson, giving Chaeyoung the chance to release a breath and lower her head back onto her folded arms.

After 15 minutes a bell signalled the end of the day. Everyone practically ran out of the lecture hall and out of the campus, their figures rushing into the busy streets of Seoul. Chaeyoung on the other hand, packed her bag rather slowly and walked to the music department. Soft, sweet music of someone playing the piano entered her ears. Closing her eyes and trusting her ears and sense of direction, she walked down the hallways until the music was close enough for her to hear every single note clearly. She opened her eyes and the sight before her caused a warm smile to make it's way onto her features.

Her brother sat on the bench with his best friend, watching anxiously as the other's fingers danced and glided over the keys. The beautiful sound brought a blanket of calmness over Chaeyoung, it always did. Finally the music came to an end and a breathy laugh left Chaeyoung's mouth. The two males turn towards her, the young blonde getting up from the bench and running up to Chaeyoung once his cerulean eyes land on her. The childish grin on his face makes his eyes turn into crescents as he engulfs the laughing girl in a bear hug.

"Jimin, you're crushing me goddamnit!" The smiling blonde looks down at her and ruffles her hair.

"Is it bad to love my baby sister once in a while?" Jimin says slightly pinching the younger's right cheek.

"Once in a while isn't bad, everyday is torture though. My cheeks need a break from your 'affection'. Also, you're literally only older by 2 minutes." She says shaking her head slightly.

"Mmm, I'm still the oldest though. Now let's go, I need a coffee. Yoongi hyung, you coming?" Jimin turns to the older male still sitting on the bench, his lands hovering above the keys.

"Uhm, yeah. I could actaully use a latte right about now." He says getting up and reaching for his bag.

Once the three made their way out of the university, they caught a bus that took them to the more quieter parts of Seoul, where instead of big buildings and skyscrapers, there were small houses and shops that blended in with nature. They got off in front of a small flower shop and proceeded to walk down the street in order to enquire about teach other's day.

"So Chae, I heard you fell asleep in class today." Yoongi says out of the blue. Jimin raises an eyebrow and looks at Chaeyoung, a frown slowly creeping onto his face.

"Yeah, you know how Mr Song can be. His lectures can be a little. . .boring sometimes. . ."

"From what I hear, maybe, but I know he's strict about students sleeping in his class too. And I know you're not the type to break rules easily, so are you sure that's the only reason you just so happened to fall asleep in his class today?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Her words rush out on instinct, knowing Yoongi wouldn't buy it anyway.

"Then please explain why someone said that you used another excuse? The 'I couldn't sleep last night' card?" Chaeyoung freezes in her tracks.

"Well I couldn't really tell him his lesson was boring, now could I? It would have been rude and he'd probably kill me." She says with a forced laugh. But he doesn't buy it. Yoongi knew. Yoongi always knew everything. But much to Chaeyoung's relief, he didn't press the issue any further. They walked until they came across a small dainty coffee shop and walked in. A waiter arrived at their table to take down their orders and left once he did. Chaeyoung closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, the scent of coffee, cake and flowers invading her senses. When she opened her eyes, two pairs stared back at her.

"What?" She asks nervously.

"So do plan on telling us what's wrong?" Jimin looks at her with concern and worry filling his ashy irises."

I told you, there's nothing wrong Jimin. His class is boring and I just. . .felt like taking a nap. . ."

"Chae. . ."Jimin whined.

"Jimin just leave her be," Yoongi shook his head at the younger male. "She'll tell us if it's important, won't you Chae?" Chaeyoung nods slowly while looking down at her hands in her lap. She could hear Jimin sigh and slump down into his chair.

"I'm just trying to look out for you Chaeyoung. I can't do that if you keep on shutting me and everybody else out." Chaeyoung looks up at her brother.

"I'm not, it's just not that important Chim." She knows using his nickname that she used to call him when they were younger would soften him up and it did. The corner of the blonde's mouth tugs up slightly and she knows that she has somewhat lessened the tension.

"Fine, I'll let it go this one time. But if I feel something is wrong then I expect you to tell me about it, alright Chae?" The ebony haired girl simply nods to which the blonde releases a relieved breath. The trio sit there enjoying their beverages while watching the sun set over the far away busy streets of Seoul. The peace gives Chaeyoung a chance to let her thoughts run free, one seems to catch her attention and her brows furrow in thought.

I wonder who Yoongi asked to keep an eye on me. . .


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