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Narrator's POV

"I fucking hate Monday's!"

Everyone in the café turns momentarily to look at the caramel haired boy as he grips his head in his hands, not even bothering to meet the judgemental gazes of those looking at him.

"Understatement of the century," comes the calm but sarcastic reply.

"God dammit Taehyung, you're not helping."

"It's not my fault you decided it would be a good idea to get drunk last night," says the blue haired boy lifting an eyebrow at his best friend. Taeyong groans and slumps in his seat, his fingers massaging his temple to try and rid it of the massive headache he woke up with. Out of all the days he had to get a hangover, now is when it decides to kick in? What happened to being able to handle his liquor as well as the side effects that came with it? Ever since he was 18, the only hangover he'd had was when he had had his first drink and ever since, he'd been somewhat immune to hangovers.
As if by magic, it seemed all his luck had run out the door and left him to deal with all the consequences at such an oh-so perfect time.

"If you're done bitching and whining like a preteen girl on her period, can we please order already? My ass is starving and class starts in an hour."

Taeyong sighs and looks up at his best friend who's stares at him expectantly from across the table.

"The usual, please and a bottle of room temperature water with some pain killers would be nice too, thanks."

Taehyung snorts and leans over to rummage through his bag. He pulls out a bottle of water and Disprin and tosses it to Taeyong, who shoots back a grateful smile.

"What would I do without you bud?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing sweetheart."

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he gets up from his seat and goes to order for the both of them. He keeps his eyes on the TV as he inches forward with the line, watching the morning news was always a habit he used to avoid talking and looking at people so early in the morning.

"Good morning sir, how may I help you?" Taehyung still keeps his eyes on the TV as a cheery voice asks him.

"Yeah uhm, can I please get 2 breakfast wraps, one vegetarian and one beef, one black coffee and a latte." His eyebrows furrow slightly as he reads the headlines on TV stating the current situation of the mass massacre in Sudan.

"Of course Sir, will that be all?"


"Well that will 3 000 won please."

Taehyung's attention snaps back to reality as he pulls out his wallet and hands over the money to the cashier. As he does so, their fingers brush against each other momentarily and Taehyung's gaze shoots up to look at the person in front of him. Warm, dark hazel eyes stare back at him, a friendly smile plastered on their features. Taehyung feels the air get knocked out of him as he takes in the person in front of him.

Is this what an angel looks like?

He doesn't realise that he's staring at the poor cashier for too long until they clear their throat. Taehyung let's go of the money he was still subconsciously holding and takes a step back.

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