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Narrator's POV

"Can I have everybodies attention, please?"

Mrs Choi clapped her hands to calm the class down, a small smile adorning her face.

"I have finalized the projects you're all going to be doing this semester. It's quite a lot of work so you're going to be working in pairs this time, once you have you have a partner come on up to the front and I'll take down your names and give you the assignment."

The class erupted into chaos as students squealed at the thought of being able to work with friends for the project. Chaeyoung on the other hand sat in her seat lamely and sighed. Her one friend she always did every class project with wasn't here so that either meant she would have to work alone or Mrs.Choi would assign a partner to her.

While Chaeyoung sat, disheartened at her desk, someone stood at the back at the class gazing nervously at the back of Chaeyoung's head.

Just go up and ask her, you idiot. Its not that hard, it's not like the world's gonna end if she says no, is it?

With this in mind, they slowly moved towards Chaeyoung, determined to at least try.

Chaeyoung stood up and was about to go tell Mrs Choi that she was working alone when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around to find a boy - a DAMNED GORGEOUS BOY TOO - smiling sweetly at her. His light pink hair with silver streaks was swept to the side, exposing his smooth porcelain forehead. His sunset-like eyes were slightly crinkled at the edges due to his bright smile. A single small dimple found refuge on the left side of his mouth. His lips a light pink, both evenly proportioned to make for the perfect heart-shaped smile.

Lord what miracles are you pulling off these days? Chaeyoung stared at the boy in front of her in awe, until she realised how rude she must seem.

"Yes?" She asked once her mind came back to Earth.

The boy took a breath and asked, "Do you want to be my partner?"


That's what Chaeyoung was, speechless.

She probably stood there frozen for some time as the boy started to nervously fidget with his hands, slightly regretting his decision.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"I'd love to."

When the boy looked up to Chaeyoung, he was met with her soft smile.

"I'd gladly be your partner." She repeated.

If possible, he smiled even brighter than before and Chaeyoung thought she might just have to buy herself a pair of glasses if she was going to be working with him.

"Well then, let's go get that assignment partner!" He looped his arm in Chaeyoung's, which surprised the heck out of her, and skipped up to Mrs Choi's desk.

"Ahh, my two star pupils! I have high expectations from the two of you and I know you won't disappoint." Mrs Choi says happily as she hands them a thick portfolio file. They both nod and skip back to their desks.

"So when do you want to get started?" Chaeyoung packs up her bag since Mrs Choi said they could have the rest of the lesson to clear their minds as she says.

"Mmmm, how about we go over the assignment thoroughly today at the library to make sure we understand and then start collecting data over the weekend that we can use for the project. Then we'll officially start next week! Sound good?"

"Great, let's head there now."

As the two of them walked down the quiet hallways, it occurred to Chaeyoung that she has not a clue who this guy is.

"Sorry if I may come off as rude, but who are you?"

The boy throws his head back and lets out a loud laugh, not caring about the other lectures still in session. Chaeyoung finds herself confused but amused at his carefree attitude. The boy turns his gaze towards her and with a warm smile, introduces himself.

"No actually, please forgive me for not introducing myself sooner. I'm Jung Hoseok!"

He extends his hand and Chaeyoung places hers in his and gives it a firm shake.

"Pleasure to officially meet you Hoseok, I'm Park Chaeyoung."


"So you were really afraid I'd say no?"

Chaeyoung and Hoseok sat in the library going over the assignment like they said they would but after about an hour, they both probably had the whole thing engraved in their minds and decided it was best to just chill like Mrs Choi said.

"Yeah, I guess." Hoseok shrugged while propping his feet up onto the bean bag in front of him.

Chaeyoung knew she wasn't very talkative with the people in her class but that didn't mean she was automatically hard to approach. She was curious why someone so extroverted as Hoseok would be scared in the first place.

"Why? I mean, do I look that ugly?" She joked lightheartedly.

Hoseok chuckled lightly before his eyes zoned out for a second.

"I'm known to be quite...loud and overly extroverted. All my friends eventually get tired of my personality and well - leave. So I thought I would scare you away." Hoseok looks at his hands in his lap while saying this and something in Chaeyoung shatters.

He considers himself an outcast, just like her. Simply because he's different.

Chae looked at him with a warm smile and clasps his hand within hers, making him look up at her in surprise.

"Well for one, I think you're a wonderful person and your personality suits you just fine. If someone can't accept that, well too bad, they're going to miss out."

Hoseok smiles back at Chaeyoung and gives her hand a little squeeze.

"You're too kind Chae, really, you have no idea how much I needed someone to tell me that."

"Its my pleasure Hoseok, we star pupils need to help each other when others want to bring us down hey?" She replied with a playful wink in his direction.

Hoseok full out barked out laughing at this, not able to hold himself back, even when the librarian came to tell him to shush.

"You really are something else Park Chaeyoung, you know that?"

"Well of course I do and bet you're not getting rid of me anytime soon Jung Hoseok, so get used to it."

The two of them burst out laughing like two hyenas in the Savannah that eventually, they were told to leave the library.

Chae could feel that this would be the start of a good long friendship, someone who could actually understand the pain she'd been through and they would help each other get through it.



Aaaaannnnnnnd Jung HOEseok makes his appearance *wInK wONk* I'm feeling good so all my crackhead-ness is showing, my apologies lol XD

Also sorry for the later than necessary update.

Anywhoooo, have a lovely day and know that........I LOVE YOU!

-Your friendly crackhead neighborhood author ;)♡

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