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Chaeyoung's POV

My alarm clock goes off and I groan lightly as I attempt to sit up in my bed. Yawning as I stretch out one hand while the other works at rubbing the grime keeping my eyes shut, I stand up from my bed and slowly tuck the covers in neatly. I make my way to the bathroom and as soon as the cold water hits me I jolt awake, a common occurance that never failed to scare the heck out of me for the past 10 years. I finish up in the bathroom and stand in front of my small wardrobe, my eyes searching for something to wear. Eventually I settle for a long skirt that reaches my ankles and an oversized t-shirt which I tuck in to make it look less baggy.

I tie my hair into a messy bun and check my appearance in the mirror before heading to the kitchen. I can hear my uncle humming to himself while he fries an egg and heats up some rice.

"Oh goodmorning sunshine!"

"Morning Uncle Joon," I reply with a small smile on my face.

"You and Chim will be fine without me tonight right? I know for a fact that Yoongi will come over and keep you guys company but I just wanna be sure. I'll leave some money for you guys to order something if you don't feel like cooking and-"

"We'll be fine Uncle Joon,"

"Oops, was I babbling again?"

I nod, a subtle laugh escaping my lips as my uncle sheepishly scratches the back of his neck.

"Sorry," he says with an apologetic smile, his dimples making an appearance.

God, no wonder the woman at his work are ready to drop for him.

"No need to apologise Uncle Joon, I enjoy your ramblings," I turn around to see Jimin tying his shoelaces with a childish grin plastered on his face.

"We'll be totally fine."

Uncle Joon smiles and reaches for his bag on the counter before standing in-between Jimin and I, waiting for his goodbye kiss. On instinct, Jimin and I simultaneously lean forward and plant a light kiss on his cheek. With a bright smile on his face, uncle Joon waves at us one last time before the door closes.

Jimin then turns to look at me with a pout.

"I'm hungry," is all he says, making me smile with a giggle.

"Come on, Uncle Joon made us some waffles."


I couldn't understand why my eyes and mind were failing me. I usually enjoyed the 2 hour long lectures given by professor Choi on the behavior and nature of humans. Easy to say, I really enjoyed studying psychology. But today my mind was somewhere else and my eyes lids wished to meet its twin below it.

It wasn't after I felt a tap on my shoulder did I realize that I had fallen asleep. The class was quiet as every student's eyes were on me. I sat up straighter in my seat and looked at professor Choi who eyed me with concern.

"Are you okay Chaeyoung?"

Truth be told, this question is one I never heard the end of. People always worrying about me simply because of fact that I looked fragile. Even my own goddamn brother thought so, but he had his own reasons. So when it came to giving a reply I had rehearsed constantly, I gave it with a happy smile. Just as I was about to now.

"Yes I'm fine."

Professor Choi, being the sharp and observant woman she is for someone who studies people for a living, could see right through me unfortunately.

"Alrighty class, since we have an opportunity here let us take it. I want you all to study Chaeyoung's physical features and tell me what you think could be the reason for her 'exhaustion'."

All eyes were once again on me as my classmates scrutinized every detail in my facial expression and body language. Hands shot up within seconds but one in particular went up before the rest.

"I believe I have an idea of what's wrong Mrs. Choi," the owner of the hand said. The professor nodded for them to continue. I couldn't see who it was as whoever it was, they were practically hidden right at the back of the lecture hall by the rest of the students. I actually wondered how they could even see me all the way from the back.

"From my observation she seems to be stressing over some sort of inner conflict, this resulting in her exhausting herself. I'm sure we've all had an inner war inside our heads at least once in our life? It drains mental energy which in turn affects the physical energy."

The voice is velvety smooth, so wonderfully enticing that I most definitely wouldn't mind listening to it all day.

"Well thank you for that Mr J-"

Before Mrs. Choi could finish her sentence, the bell rang signaling the end of the lecture.

"Okay class that's it for today, please don't forget that your assignments will be given out anytime this week. Have a good day, you are dismissed." She finishes off with a heart warming smile.

Being the last one to exit the class, Mrs Mrs Choi throws me her usual greeting with a smile but I can see the worry glinting in her eyes. I gives Mrs. Choi a small smile and leave without another word.

Thank goodness I have another 3 hours until my next lecture, I can go see Jimin and Yoongi Oppa and go get something to eat, I think to myself as I make my way over to the Performing Arts and Music Department. As I walk, I don't feel the other set of eyes watching me from their spot on the bench beneath their hood.


Curiosity and wonder filled their gaze as they watched the girl who fell asleep in Psychology slowly walk to the other side of campus, not a care in the world.

What problems could she possibly have if she's so happy now, they thought. Suddenly a small voice popped up in the back of their mind. What if she's pretending? Just like you huh? The stranger shook their head to rid of their thoughts and proceeded to pack the book they were reading into their bag, and left as if no one was sitting on the bench to begin with.



This chapter was literally over a thousand words and a complete mess, what WAS I writing?!
But anyway, hope you liked this mess.

Hope you're taking care of yourselves. Remember that self care is VERY important! Don't stress, you'll get grey hairs like my bestie who's fed up with my obsession with k-pop ;)

Please don't forget to vote and comment!


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