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Narrator's POV


The two boys who walked side by side discussing their psychology assignment, both turned simultaneously towards the source of the voice. A short petite girl clutching her books in one hand and her handbag in the other, jogged up to them as fast as her high heel clad feet could carry her. A small smile crept onto the face of one of the boys while a look of boredom sat on the others.

"Taeyong Oppa! I've missed you."

The little but surprisingly strong girl throws her arms around the golden haired boy and pulls him in for a bone crushing hug. She pulls away and looks adoringly into his eyes.

The sound of someone exaggerating a cough makes them turn their heads towards the blue haired boy standing a few feet away, looking like a third wheel. A look of pure, unadulterated disgust clearly shown on his features. The couple doesn't seem fazed and don't move an inch away from each other.

"Oh, hey Taehyung," The girl says nonchalantly with a small smile.

"Jennie," is all he says with a small nod of acknowledgment.

Awkward silence encases the three of them before Taeyong breaks it.

"Why don't you head home Tae? We can finish deciding which topic is better tomorrow, we can sleep on it for now."

Taehyung definitely knew what Taeyong was going to be sleeping on tonight, but he could take his friend's word on being prepared tomorrow so he nodded and bid the two goodbye.

He didn't want go home so early, so instead he took a bus to the Han River. Not many people were around since it was a week day and majority were still at work or school.

Taehyung enjoyed his quiet solitude, it gave him space to think about. . .well everything. His life wasn't particularly easy for the last 10 years. Moving from the peaceful suburbs of Daegu to the bustling city of Seoul was a massive change that also changed him. He learnt that not everyone is trust worthy but if you find people who are, you should keep them.

His train of thoughts were disrupted when the bus finally stopped at his destination. On his way out, he sent the bus driver a mock salute, earning a chuckle from the man.

The cool spring breeze fanned over him the moment he stepped out. The air was clear and fresher than usual, so he indulged in a deep inhale of air for once. The air was cleaner than expected and it awakened the rest of his senses that fell asleep on the bus. Walking down a pathway, he caught sight of the glistening water, the sun reflecting off its surface making it look like a field of diamonds and just before the bank, a sturdy park bench was situated to overlook the river.

Taehyung plopped down onto it and reached into his bag, pulling out a camera.

He pointed the lense at a willowly tree bending towards the river, zoomed in a bit and snapped a picture. He examined it and nodded in approval before pulling out a sketchpad and piece of charcoal, starting to draw the entire picture.

Hours went by and before Taehyung knew it, the sun was setting on the Han River. He finished his drawing and carefully, to make sure the charcoal didn't smudge, placed it back in his bag.

With his camera in hand, Taehyung walked a bit around the trees, taking pictures of people walking around, some of them having a late afternoon picnic, lover's sitting side by side while looking at the river and children playing tag and hide-and-seek with each other.

Eventually someone caught his eye. Sneaking up to them, he snapped a picture of the two young men laughing, one of them laying down on the blanket while the other sat up against a tree. Upon the sound of a camera click, they both looked up to see Taehyung smiling giddily at them.

"Hey Hyung, how've you been?"

The one sitting against the tree returned his smile with one of his own gummy ones.

"Feelin' like I'm home now that you're here, kid."

The blonde on the floor cracks up laughing and the other two soon follow suit.

"Seriously? What is this, a k-drama?"Jimin says between laughs.

"Hey you can't blame me for taking the opportunity." Yoongi places his hand on his heart in fake offence.

"Sure thing Daegu boy," Jimin sasses, "Come sit with us Tae, I haven't seen you in ages."

"Well actually, I have to get home soon. . ."

Taehyung sheepishly scratches the top of his head.

"Ah come on, just sit down Tae. I'll even drop you off at home to make sure you don't get into trouble, if you want?"

Yoongi pleads with his eyes. He hadn't seen Taehyung in almost a year and he missed the kid, he was a piece of his childhood that Yoongi would never forget.

Jimin missed him just as much, even though he didn't know Taehyung as long as Yoongi, he grew fond of him and his adorably unique personality. He already felt attached.

Taehyung stood for a while, debating whether or not it was worth the risk staying after sundown with Yoongi and Jimin. He eventually shrugged and went to sit in between the two, Jimin immediately sitting up to play with his blue locks while Yoongi and him animatedly talked about their majors and how challenging they were starting to look.



Ayooo so wassup? If you want to know, yes I am high on caffeine at the moment but aNyWhO...a little glimpse of the life of poor Taehyung and his wing man Taeyong. Or is it the other way around?

Mmm nevermind, can y'all do me a HUGE favour and to stan IZ, they need some support with their comeback 'Eden'.

I'm asking a lot for someone who barely gets attention or readers but all in good time.

Also.....Thank you soooo much to all my readers-silent ones included-I love you all! I really can't explain how happy you actually make me feel just by reading this, it gives me motivation and purpose in life........too cringey? Sorry, I'll just keep it simple-Thank you.

jungkooks____ for always tagging me in Potion Love❤


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