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Narrator's POV

The first thing Taehyung notices when he walks into his best friend's apartment is the mess strewn across the floor. His mind immediately thinks that there's been a break in and his adrenaline kicks in. Grabbing a half broken vase from the floor, he cautiously makes his way past the kitchen and into the lounge. His gaze moves over the trashed room so quickly that he almost misses the figure crumpled on the floor by the glass coffee table. Almost

That unmistakable mop of blonde hair could only belong to one person.

"Taeyong!" Taehyung rushes over to his best friend's side and inspects him for any injuries. The unconscious boy stirs and mumbles something, his hand reaching out and grabbing a handful of Taehyungs shirt. Taehyung smells it, the alcohol reeking off Taeyong like a leech, the traitorous liquid making his veins burn with fire and obstructing his conscience.

"S-She. . .fucking lied!" Taeyong slurs as Taehyung attempts to get him off the floor, but the drunk is relentless and simply drags himself back down. "Can you b-believe it Tae? She lied to me the entire time! That bitch! How fucking dare she!"

Taehyung gives up on his efforts of trying to get the boy up and into the bathroom and instead kneels down, his eyes searching for his best friend's mocha orbs.

"Who lied Taeyong? What happened buddy? I need you to be more specific." It's then that Taeyong's eyes meet Taehyung's and the boy flinches when he see's the tears pooled in his best friend's eyes, the redness surrounding his irises obviously not just caused by the alcohol. A few stray tears slip and fall at a painstakingly slow motion down his face and one word escapes his lips so softly yet loud enough to be heard throughout the deafening silence of the apartment.

"Jennie," And Taeyong shatters all over again, only this time Taehyung's there to offer him all the comfort he can. The two friends sit like that in silence, one of them lying on the other's lap with tear streaks on his face while the other unconsciously runs his finger's through the formers hair in a soothing manner, until the sun starts it's journey from the horizon to the clouds, its rays softly cutting through the darkness. A new day.

Taehyung eventually manages to pick Taeyong up and drags him to the bathroom so he can freshen up. When he finally comes out after a long hour of throwing up and scrubbing the stench of alcohol off his body, Taeyong slumps into the kitchen bar stool.

"How are you feeling?" Taehyung's deep voice cuts through the silence and makes Taeyong look up at him as he keeps his eyes on the pan of eggs he's currently frying for the two of them. Taeyong opens and closes his mouth. He instead jumps off the stool and opens the fridge, his eyes trailing over each item until it lands on the giant bottle of water. Taehyung waits patiently as the suddenly parched boy chugs down half the whole bottle.

"Still feel like shit I guess," Taeyong croaks out. His voice is still raw from all the merciless screaming his drunk induced self decided to partake in.

"Well sit down and eat, I don't need you fainting so early in the morning." Taehyung produces two plates with egg, rice and some pork and places one in front of Taeyong. The air between the two is tense as they eat in silence. The countless thoughts in Taehyung's mind from the early hours of the morning still run around in his head, holding guilt and anger. If he's correct that this entire situation has something to do with a black haired beauty, then he's certain she's finally done what needed to be done.

"Is this about Jennie?" He voices his thoughts, his amber orbs flitting to Taeyong who freezes upon hearing the name of his beloved.

"Yes," he puts down his chopsticks and hesitantly gazes at the blue haired boy, "Would you prefer to listen to the story of my heart break now or after breakfast?" His voice is laced with sarcasm, Taehyung easily reads this but chooses to ignore it and get straight to the point.

"What happened?"

Taeyong rolls his eyes and runs his hand through his slightly damp locks, clearly not not wanting to deal with his stubborn best friend much less try to explain to him what he saw.

"God Tae, can't you take a hint?" He says, all the emotions, the anger, irritation and hurt he tried to drown out by drinking starts to slowly flood his mind. Images he wishes he could forget, flash constantly at the back of his eyelids everytime he closes his eyes.

"No," his stubborn best friend simply continues chewing his breakfast, waiting for an answer. Taeyong glares at him, Taehyung barely registers it and persists in getting his answer. Taeyong knows Taehyung won't stop pestering him until he gets what he wants so he huffs angrily and stomps off to his room, the sound of a door slamming resonating throughout the apartment.

Taehyung halts the chopsticks holding his pork that was halfway to his mouth and sighs as it falls into his plate. He doesn't want to push Taeyong, but he knows that he has to find out what Jennie did because there's a chance that he might be the reason for everything that's happening. He suddenly feels like an idiot for threatening Jennie that day at the café. He decides to go for a walk to let Taeyong cool off. Grabbing his jacket and slipping on his shoes, he glances at Taeyong's room door sorrowfully one last time before shutting the door.

The air outside is slightly chilly, the oncoming of winter obvious to most, pushing away the hot summer air. Taehyung thinks about going to the Han river and decides against it, it's probably crowded with people trying to capture and enjoy summer while they still can before the whole city is shrouded in cold, white ice. He takes the bus back to the small community his halmeoni lives in and wanders around the local park there. As he sits down on a swing and rocks on his toes, his eyes sweep over everyone in the park until they come to rest on two people sitting on a bench on the hill. A wave of nostalgia hits him in the gut, his breath gets stuck in his throat and it's as if time stops. The one person he ever cared about the most, other than his halmeoni, sat with a smile on their face next to Jimin's uncle. Taehyung vaguely remembers his name, Namjoon. His mood worsens as he see's the two interact so naturally, a resemblance of what used to be him and his bestest friend. Now he prefers to distance himself from his past as much as possible, not truly believing that it wasn't his fault. He abruptly gets off the swing and stuffs his hands into his pocket as he walks away, again.

He walks down the street unconsciously, having known his way around the small community since he was a child. His feet stop at the small red brick house with a garden decorating the front lawn, flower's of all kinds creating a rainbow that children on their way to school stop to look at. Opening the small gate, he walks up then pathway through the garden and stops at the front door. His hands raise to knock but stop midway because he remembers how annoyed she gets when he acts like a stranger in his own house. Instead he grabs the handle and pushes the door open. The smell of sage, food and a slight hint of cleaning detergent hits him.

Home. And so he opens his mouth and yells out, "Honey, I'm home!"



Merry belated Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope this year brings the best for all of you and may all your wishes come true(if you've worked really hard for them obviously)

I'm hoping that I'll actually be able to finish Tear this year(unlike my other book that's just sitting there waiting for me to give it attention). So stick around to see what happens!

Also, a little self promo here. I recently wrote a short story and it's completed, it's called Given Up and I'd really appreciate it if you guys go check it out^_^

So yeah, thats all for now.
Stay healthy and eat your chocolate, kids!


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