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Narrator's POV

The sun had only just started to rise, painting the sky a light shade of blue with hues of pink. The waves rolled on and off the shore at a steady pace, some reaching higher on the shore than others. A single wave touched the feet of a boy, its cold waters sending a shock through his body and making him recoil from the water.


The boy turned his gaze from the vast ocean and towards the voice calling out to him. Running as fast as he could through the sand, with a lopsided grin plastered on his face, was his best friend and the closest thing he had to family. A smile lit up on the boys face as he watched his struggles to make it to him.

"Hongkong, at this rate we'll only get to surf by noon." He laughed as he saw a pout form on the elder's face, but it dissolved as quickly as it came and was rather replaced with a massive grin.

The boys rushed into the water and hopped on their surfboards as soon as it was deep enough. The two surfed and played around till the sun sat on the water.

"I'm tired, let's head back," the elder suggested as he started paddling towards the shore with the younger following behind him.

Out of nowhere, a giant tidal wave appeared and knocked both boys off their boards. The younger thrashed around as he came up for air, but just like the first wave, another followed after it and another. The scenery changed, the sky turned grey with clouds and thunder roared. And then he heard it, a blood curling scream. But not just anyone's scream, this one was familiar. The boy frantically looked around him and saw a head bobbing. He swam as fast as he could, like his life depended on it which it did. He wasn't ready to lose the only person he truly cared about, not like this. Getting closer, he saw a streak of something dark on the surface of the water but he didn't care, he was simply  focused on getting to his best friend and when he did, he realized something horrifying.

He wasn't breathing.

Thunder strikes the shore somewhere and the boy sobs lightly as he carries his best friend towards the shore. Finally setting him down, he looks at the gash on the elder's head and looks towards the heavens


Taehyung jolts up from his bed with a scream, beads of sweat run down his face as he breathes heavily. Looking at his surroundings, he's relieved to find that he's in his room. Not a moment later, a figure opens his bedroom door.

"Taehyung honey, is everything alright?" A soft voice asks. Taehyung wants to lie and he wishes he really could, but not to her he could. So instead he let's go of the reins of his emotions and let's it out.

"Halmeoni," he cries out and the elderly woman rushes to his side before cradling him in her arms, trying to keep the pieces of Taehyung ,that's slowly breaking apart, together.


The next morning Taehyung feels somewhat better but his mind continues to wonder and his emotions have numbed to the point that he can barely conjure up any facial expression.

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