Chapter 11

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As I sat on the couch feeding Nolan, Grace walked over and stared. She was not smiling. In fact, she had a distinct look of irritation on her face.

"Shawwwwwnn," I called, hoping he was within range of hearing me.

As he appeared, I saw he'd been in his studio with the door open. "What's up?"

I nodded towards Grace, who was still glaring at her baby brother.

"Gracie! Let's do some puzzles!" Shawn said as he scooped her up and playfully threw her over his shoulder.

"No! Want Mama!" she yelled as she kicked her little legs against him.

"Ouch! You'll get Mama once Nolan is done eating. Come on, sugar. Let's play," he said as he set her back down.

She crossed her little arms. "No!" She then stomped off to her room.

"Jesus Christ, whoever came up with the term 'terrible twos' was a goddamn genius," Shawn muttered before going after her.

Gracie's birthday has been a little over two weeks ago. We'd had a wonderful family birthday party for her, but she'd been a bit of a green-eyed-monster any time someone turned their attention towards Nolan. When he was in his bassinet or portable sleep basket, he was her baby and she loved him. The second someone picked him up, she felt slighted.

I finished nursing Nolan. He was wide awake, but I got up and set him in the bassinet in our bedroom so that I could help Shawn with Gracie.

"Want to play with your dollhouse with me?" I asked as I entered her room. She was sitting on the floor pouting, and Shawn was leaned against the wall.

"Yes!" she said.

I got down on the floor and played as Shawn slipped out to take care of our newborn. I managed to spend a solid half hour focused just on Grace before she lost interest. The attention span of a two year old was brief.

"Want to help me make lunch?" I asked her.

She jumped up and hurried to the kitchen as an answer.

Grace sat on the counter while I made sandwiches. Helping consisted of her pointing to things she liked.

I put her in her new booster seat and the three of us sat at the table. Shawn held Nolan in one arm as he ate. Grace gave the baby the stink eye several times, but I'd spent enough time playing with her that she wasn't quite as salty as she'd been earlier.

"Nap time, Gracie," I said when we were done.

"Nolan nap?" she asked.

"Yes, he's going to sleep, too."

Hopefully all good Mendes children were going to sleep and give Mama and Daddy a break.

I tucked Grace in her bed after putting her in a fresh diaper. We would start potty training soon, but the pediatrician said not to expect much in that area within the first few months following the arrival of the baby. He explained at her two year check-up that toddlers often reverted a little in their development.

I kissed Grace and joined Shawn in the living room. Nolan had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

"This isn't easy," I said as I sat next to him.

Shawn placed an arm around me and pulled me close. "Nope. But it'll get easier. Right?"

"I'm sure it will. Once Nolan starts going longer between feedings, we'll at least be less sleep deprived."

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