Howling Winds

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Reve's grip of Mai's wrist was nearly bone breaking as he wrenched her up the stairs, back towards the hall of mannequins, Griffin behind them, begging Reve to let her go.

When they reached the door, Reve hurled it open and grabbed Angelique by the throat, not even giving her a chance to try and slip past them down the stairs.

"I think that's quite enough for today," Reve snarled, dragging Angelique back before throwing her to the side, sending her crashing towards one of the cases.

Griffin got behind her just in time and saved her from colliding with a case, the force of being knocked into it winding him and they both collapsed to the ground.

"Time to go, Angel!" Reve shouted, waving a hand at her.

Her deep red robes flared into existence and dove at her even as she screamed and tried to scramble for the door.

"WAIT!" she cried, her hand almost reaching the handle of the closed door before her coat wrapped itself around her and dragged her back across the floor. "NO! Please! Reve! My Family!"

"GO, Angelique!" Reve snarled.

"Please! My sisters! You have to let me see them! NO! Davion!"

Her screams echoed through the hall as she was dragged away before vanishing into thin air, her voice bouncing off the walls like a ghost.

"Reve," Griffin groaned, stumbling to his feet.

"Don't make me punish you as well!" Reve seethed making Griffin flinch back.

Reve glanced at Mai who had been trying to wriggle free from his hold, then turned and dragged her back through the corridors, out of Angelique's rooms – where Mai could hear her crying from behind the closed doors of the garden – then onwards into the castle beyond.

When they reached the entrance hall, he flung her forwards with such force; she flew through the air and started to fall towards the stairs.

"MAI!" Griffin screamed.

He shoved Reve aside and dove after her.

His arms locked around her and she wrapped her arms around his neck as they landed hard on the entrance hall floor, Griffin rolling, keeping her tucked in against him before they came to a stop.

"Are you alright?" he asked, loosening his hold.

Mai kept her arms locked around him, her heart thundering, eyes wide as they flicked up to see Reve striding down the stairs towards him, his hair flaring out behind him as wind roared through the hall, howling like a monster.

He looked like he was going to kill her.

Griffin looked back and one arm tightened around her again as he held out the other to try and stop Reve.

"Calm down, Reve, calm down!" he shouted, curling around her. "She just reacted to save her friend. She was scared! She didn't mean anything!"

"Shut up!" Reve snarled, flinging one arm out to the side, ripping Griffin away from her, his mask and hat flying loose as he hit the floor.

Reve rounded on Mai, looming over her until she scrambled to her feet, hands up like she could somehow ward him off.

"Don't you dare ever, EVER, get in my way in front of those below!" Reve screamed at her, the wind blowing in her face, roaring in her ears.

"You were killing him!" she screamed back, the wind howling back at Reve, "I had to stop you!"

"You are one, single level above them!" Reve shouted, "I have given you a freedom they can only dream of! You have power and entertainment and talent and more freedom than even Angelique! I provide for you like you are a queen! But you are NOT a ruler here! If you DARE display any weakness on my part again, I will DESTROY you!"

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