Flight To London

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Harry's Pov

'Thank you all so much for coming. I hope to see you soon. I love you. Have a good night"

I look at my beautiful fans one last time, taking in the sight before running off the stage.

I'm gonna miss traveling to other countries and meeting new fans everyday.

I hurry to our tour bus and head to the airport. As much as I loved going on my first World Tour, I miss my family. I have a month off to visit London, chill and hang with my family before we start working on my second album.

I walk through the guards and find my gate. Plane takes off in an hour, so I decide to text my mum. Before I can, a text pops up from the head of my management, Simon.

'We have to talk. I'll call you tomorrow morning at about 9 am.'

It's never good when people start a sentence with 'we have to talk' but this time I hope it is because Simon is one of those people that you can actually joke around with so if he's using that phrase it's probably something serious.

I text my mum trying to keep my mind off Simon's message. My mum replies in about a minute, just like I hoped.

H-Hey mum, just got to the airport. Plane will take off in about 50 minutes.
M-Hey darling, hope you had a great last show and I wish I could have been there. Gemma will pick you up from the airport when you get here.
H-Okay, thank you. Tell Gemma I said hey.
M-Will do honey. See you later.
H-See you. I love you.


"Hey Gem, I missed you!!" I say to my sister but it can only be heard as "He Gh Ai Mgsd Y" as Gemma pulls me into an incredible tight hug that makes me wonder how often she works out.

"Ahh I missed you too H. You can never leave me for that long again do you understand me?"

"Yeah, sure." I say rolling my eyes. We get to a car I don't recognize. "You bought a new car?" I ask her, obviously confused. "Well, my brother is and international singer who travels the world so I should have some advantages. "I chuckle slightly getting into the car.

The ride to my childhood home is relaxing, yet exciting. I miss my mum. As we take the last turn to our home I decide it's time.

"Why did the music teacher get arrested?" Even in the dark I can see Gemma rolling her eyes. "Harry come on I was just starting to think you're done with these jokes." I put my childish grin on. Gemma sighs lightly. "Why?" A few seconds pass in silence. "Because he was fingering a minor." "This is by far your worst joke I've heard." I can feel she bites on her lip trying not to laugh but eventually she laughs. She always does.

We park the car and walk to the door I used to see everyday right beside the woman I love more than anyone in the world.

Without a single word my mom pulls me into a hug even tighter than Gemmas. "I've missed you so much." I feel a tear escaping my eye. The media might not know but I'm still my mums little Harry. "I've missed you too daring."

We catch up on what happened since my shows in London. My mum tells me all about her cooking classes and that everyone keeps on asking how I'm doing. Gemma talks about the 'extremely fascinating' trip to Milan with her best friends.

My turn now. I start to talk about my first ever world tour. "It's amazing to be able to express yourself through songs. It's even more amazing to have people, all from different parts of the world, back you up and support you through this journey. The crew is passionate and friendly. The arenas are even bigger than I imagined. Singing my own songs, emotions and earning my life from this is just unbelievable. And the fans... I don't even know what to say for them. I can't explain my love for them. They say I can never understand their love for me but the truth is I do, because I feel the same emotions towards them even though I don't know most of them in person. They are committed, passionate, loving and caring. I don't know what I did to deserve them. I love them more than anything."

Woah. Did I just say that?

When I finish I see four teary eyes in front of me. "It's amazing you can say these stuff both for your life and your fans. I'm so proud of you."

We pull into a family hug. I expected many things today but being this emotional wasn't one of them.

"Okay, sorry to end this precious moment," I chuckle slightly. "I have to get sleep. Good night. I love you both."

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