Changing danger

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I watch as my hair forms into a different colour. A navy blue colour that forms on the tips of my hair. My fingertips form a blue colour as if it was dipped in paint. I try to rub it off but it continues to spread. A unusual feeling forms in my chest. Pain becomes evident on my face as I clutch it. Jack tries to calm me but I don't pay attention to him. I fall from the bed and rush out the door. Freezing Jack to the bed. The others glance at me with concern. I simply ignore them and continue to walk down the aisle.

Well attempt to walk down. The nurses and doctors try and sedate me but I fight back. Everything happening is a daze to me. As if I'm drunk all over again. I scream as they pin my wrists. I'm not suppose to reveal myself but I do anyway. My wings submerge and knock the nurses and doctors away from me. I freeze part of their bodies to the floor so none can follow me. My mind is set on escaping. Something doesn't feel right with me and I don't want to hurt anyone. Well not intentionally.

Before I can reach the elevator a quick pain enters my neck. Slipping my hand to the back of my neck I pull the dart out. I turn to see Bunnymud in his human form. My body collapses with a thud before becoming unconscious.

I wake to the same room but wrists are tied down. Including my ankles. I look to see Jack more angry than before. The sun starts to settle on us and I hiss. My flesh burns from the rays. Jack immediately notices and closes the curtains. "That's new"He states. I don't answer him. He walks out and I watch through the window how he calls the others. Once again everyone enters and finds a comfortable seat for themselves. I look to Jack and nod. He roughly opens the curtains and the sun hits me. The rays burning my flesh and fading while it bathes in the sun rays.

I try to speak but all I do is scream from the excruciating pain. "Fascinating"Pitch states and moves closer towards the side of the bed. Sandy closes the window and my skin starts to repair itself. Pitch places his finger in mouth and examines my teeth. "Your canine teeth have returned to its primal state. Your eyes as well"He states. "Meaning?" Winter asks. "Your mother is half vampire but unfortunately for her she isn't immune to the sun. She burns like a pure blood". North rubs his fingers across his beard. "This must be the dark magic we sensed. Ice might be pure blood vampire. If she is she'll die at sixteen and be reborn as a pure blood".

Hiccup groans and bites his lip. "Not only that. I've been researching about pure bloods since there has been more sightings of them around in Pixel town. Pure bloods have to feed on human blood. Dead or alive. Ice will become more animalistic. Primal and dangerous"I try to calm myself but it doesn't work. "The poison used on you affected you but might have also affected Ice. Their is no way to reassure unless symptoms or certain signs are shown"Toothiana states. Sandy symbols, 'Sometimes the eyes can tell you if she is a pure blood or not'.

Jack brushes my messy hair back and kisses my forehead. "I'll go check on Ice". I watch Flower walks across the room to Rupunzel. Seating herself on Eugene lap and falling asleep. "She is already fourteen and still sleeps like a small child"Eugene states. Rupunzel chuckles and ruffles his hair. I look to Snow and Winter who sits quietly and fiddle with their fingers. "Snow?" He looks up and hums in response. "Give me some water please"Yes mommy". He jumps from his chair and stands on the tips of his shoes to reach the glass.

I adjust my mouth and sip on the water. Feeling my throat becoming wet and nourished. Snow moves the glass away once I'm done. The doctors walk in regularly and do check ups. Informing of me of Ice current condition. Stating she is healthy and can go home once I'm done with my tests. I wish that she was fine and healthy but knowing that my daughter,my newborn might wield dark magic and be a pure blood vampire. Become primal and animalistic at sixteen and possibly kill humans for blood. I nod and smile. The nurses walk in to loosen the cloth that bounded me to the bed.

Jack and Winter covers me with a blanket. I thank both before turning on my side and stare at the curtain. The fact that I might never enjoy the sun also bothers me. I'll burn. I raise my hands to create various patterned snowflakes. Boredom overwhelms me before sleep takes over my mind.

I wake to see the sunset. The sun slowly lowering beneath the horizon with the bright colors fading into dim light and soon darkness. The night fills the sky with bright stars. "I got you something to eat"I turn on my other side to face Jack with two sarmies in his hands. He helps me up before handing me the plastic covered sandwhich. "Where are the others?" I ask while taking a bite of my food. The flavors are not too bland nor overdone. The hospital food isn't always to my liking but I bare with it. "Went home. The guardians are trying to see who poisoned you and why. Pitch reconsidered his options since he doesn't want to state that his ex wife might be the pure blood vampire that has poisoned you".

He takes a large bite before looking at me again. I take another bite of my sandwich.

"I really hope that it isn't her who poisoned us"

•𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡•Where stories live. Discover now