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I played with the curtains. Watching how my fingers burn against the sun and rebuild again. The veins first form and the skin comes after. Looking the way it was before. Normal. Hiccup words replay in my mind like a tape recording. Primal and dangerous. I could become primal. Animalistic. Although the urges have become strong. The staff that assists me walks in occasionally. The necks fully exposed. The main blood vessel throbbing. I imagine my teeth sinking into their necks and piercing the vessel. The blood running down my throat like water.

For now I have used my ice powers to sedate my teeth by freezing it with solid ice. It's uncomfortable but prevents me from hurting anyone. I'm left alone in the hospital room. I still stand by the curtains. Jack and the rest have left. Ice still remains in the hospital care. She stopped breathing for awhile but then she woke after an hour. They reported her dead to me but miraculously she lived. I knew immediately that she must be a pure blood. Like me. We were poisoned. During my pregnancy.

The door creaks opens and immediately turn. The doctor that has been keeping me here and assessing me walks in constantly for check ups. "How you feeling today?"

"Okay. Why am I still here?"

I walk from the curtain and and seat myself on the bed. In a lotus position. "Doctor do you believe in myths?" I ask. Eyeing him and observing his body language. My new type of eyesight allows me to see his heart beating faster in my presence. Either I'm scaring him or making him uncomfortable or nervous. "N-No"

"You stuttering. Be honest with me. Am I giving you a uncomfortable feeling?"

He sighs with a shaky breath. "To answer you first question. I'm starting to believe and to answer your second question, not uncomfortable but curious feeling. Now let me ask you, do you know why I'm keeping you here?" I shake my head in disagreement before he continues. "I'm keeping you here because I want to see is there more to you than meets the eye. My daughter and son visited yesterday. Yelling Santa at your suppose father in law and Tooth fairy at your also suppose sister in law. What strange is you rability to heal to quickly and your recovery is amazing. I have you medical history and the amount of injuries you had, I'm still questioning how you living?"

I smirk. "So other than keeping me under false pretenses, your curiosity keeps me here as your test subject and wait for the perfect moment for your experiment to succeed. Practically I'm impressed you not like the rest of the medical staff and other medical related workers. Usually basing everything off science and technology. You base off science and technology but also much more"He breaths out and nod. He clicks his pen and puts it in coat pocket again. He walks away and stops by the door. "You can go home with your daughter tomorrow"

Before he walks any further I speak. "It's true"he stops and turns to me. "What?"

"Your children are not wrong. I've met them. Jamie and Sophie"He seems startled that I know them but it's been years since I've seen the two kids. "Jamie Bennet and Sophie Bennet. Jamie being the eldest and Sophie the youngest"

"H-How did you know?"

I smirk and arch a brow at him. "How do you think Jamie got a rose to his crush?" I unfurl my wings. The single pink and blue strand falls out of the braid. He startles himself and falls on the floor before regaining his balance. "W-What are you?"


He rubs his eyes before walking towards me. Moving cautiously towards me. "Gosh have you ever heard of a Cupid but you! In my case it is possible. Your son knows Jack. Jack Frost. He has met Santa, Easter Bunny, Toothfairy even Sandman himself but his mute"

"How did you even-"

Before he could finish I raise my hand to stop him. "Pitch Black is The Boogeyman. Jamie helped my husband and the guardians to defeat him. His friends also assisted him. I met him after this battle occurred."

"Oh"is all he replies with while examining my wings. "Can I touch it?" I nod. He moves closer and glides his hands over my wings. "Flexible. Perfectly built to be agile and the bone structure is strong. Nearly unbreakable. Joining to the vertebrae's of your spine. "His hand glides up my neck and gently presses the back. "Your skin seems to be thick since extra veins are connected to your brain in able to control your wings through the mind. "I remove his hand and he moves back. "I'll be checking up on your wings before you leave. I'll bring Jamie and Sophie with. I'm sure they will remember you and Jack. "

"Thank you but this is not the reason I'm telling you all of this. My newborn. Ice Frost. She isn't normal"

"What do you mean?"

"Like you have seen and what I have told you I'm pretty sure you know magic exists but I was poisoned with some potion which transformed my daughter and I into pure bloods. A rare shadow like vampire. I need you to watch her for me. I know it's not allowed but give her special care. Whoever did this to us for some reason will come looking for her again. "He nods.

"I will help you"

"Thank you. Your name?"

"David Bennet".

David leaves the room and leaves me alone. I draw my wings back into my back and open the curtains. Night has settled in nicely but my eyes immediately notice something outside the window coming into sight. Multiple shadow like bats move closer and move towards the ground. Their bodies form. Three male shadows and two female shadows stand by the hospital entrance. Their large fangs draw.

"Uh oh"

•𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang