King Arthur

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I twist my hand back. Ready to blast the woman any possible chance I get. Her eyes focus on every single one of us. "All of you killed him"her voice is deep. Echoing across the courtyard with frightened villagers. "Who are you?" Hiccup barks while moving Toothless closer. She chuckles and focus her eyes on Hiccup. Her bright white fangs showcasing to the crowd. "I am your ending"she release some sort of dark magic. I quickly shoot but she easily dodges my attack. The woman quickly strikes me with some sort of stone. Scraping my side and turning my dripping blood black.

Kristoff notices my wound but I quickly brush him off. "Get the villagers to safety"

"Anna I can't leave you to battle like this. You evacuate and I will keep them distracted along with the rest"

"Kristoff go"I nod and try and get to villages at a steady pace. Careful not to bleed myself to death. Two men help me and set pressure to my wounded torso. Settling my down on a hay stack. I light my hands with fire. Startling the villagers. "Princess Anna what is this sorcery?" One questions. "You don't want to know". I place the fire against my skin feeling The burning sensation. I scream while few rush to my side.

Manipulating my magic to burn my skin over the wound. I'm moving my hand away the wound is melted. Some woman help bandage my side. Everyone rushes to grab a few of their belongings and I lead them to the docks where men get the boats ready. I see Merida run over. "We need to get the rest out!" She screams while helping some into their carts and horses. "The rest wants us to lead Arendelle away to refugee kingdoms. Hiccup will travel with the dock to Berk. Anna go back to help. I will lead the rest to Dunbroch." Merida orders. I nod and run back to the gates while Hiccup and Toothless fly towards the docks. The Guardians already brought their back ups.

Rupunzel rubs her hands together before placing it onto the stone floor. In between the stone tiles floor runs the healing flower magic. The pure energy reaches the women and weakens her body. I flip my body over a oncoming blast of energy. I successfully land on my feet and in a swift movement wrap my hair into a messy bun.

Pulling my daggers from beneath my dress. I quickly remove my skirt to reveal my skin tight pants and thigh boots. "You has that under all along?" Flynn asks. I nod and release my magic into the daggers. "Elsa look out!" I screech. She bends backwards while a sharp shard passes over her.

"Ice skates!" Elsa looks towards me and quickly transforms my shoes as well as the rest. Freezing the floor. I skate pass the rest and encircle the woman with fire. Rupunzel magic soon starts to worn off. "Enough!" The woman immediately unleashes a wave. My back hitting the stone pillars before landing on the ground. "Rupunzel! Flynn!" I'm able to use my magic to blast them safely on the ground. I watch Winter carrying Ice and Flower holding Snow hand. Max with them. As the gates close I only think one place.

"Go to Corona". I shut the gates before the children can protest. I rest on my back and look towards the woman. She enters through the balcony and into the castle hallways. My legs feel slightly numb and using my forearms. I can barely breath between the ash and smoke. North glances at me. Pitch uses his sand to bring us all together. Jack picks up Elsa while Kristoff picks me up. Rupunzel wrapping Flynn in her hair while dragging him. "Sandy you have to go with them" North instructs. Sandy quickly symbols that he doesn't want to leave. "You too Pitch"Tooth says while crying.

"I will not leave you alone Toothiana. I refuse"Pitch go"She uses her wand to shove Pitch and Sandy towards us. "We will keep her off until Arendelle villagers are safe and till you all are healed and reunited again. "Toothiana no!" North opens the globe and shoves us in. I catch a glance of Toothiana body quickly stabbed and seems Pitch does as well. We land onto soft grass and soil. A warm mountainous area surrounding us.

The portal closes before any of us could jump through to assist. "No!" Jack and Kristoff hold Pitch down while Rupunzel hugs him. Trying to soothe him to sleep. Elsa holds her bleeding arm before I move closer towards her. Melting her skin to close the wound. "I still wonder how you do that"I still wonder how you create clothes and not get cold"She lightly chuckles before standing and expanding her wings. Unleashing Cupid.

"We need to find refuge. We still don't know who that woman is but I got a pretty good idea." Elsa cracks her head and knuckles and moves her shoulders. "Elsa is right. "Flynn shifts out of Rupunzel hair but still clutches his side. Pitch is calm after he processed that Toothiana might be dead. It's impossible. Toothiana is a guardian. Meaning she is immortal and should heal. That woman must have found some ancient relic that could destroy anyone who is immortal. We start walking north. Unsure where we are. Sandy and Jack fly above looking for any place to stay for the night and out of dark. I watch Elsa movements. She seems unstable. Her fingers twitch.

I ignore it since it might just be the vampire thirst. She quickly runs off and returns with red around her mouth. We all stare at her. Not the fact that she runs faster than lighting but what she specifically ate. "Elsa what did you eat?" Rabbit"My stomach twists but I ignore. We should start getting used to Elsa being a half blood. We reach a small kingdom near the lake. Immediately I recognize the kingdom. Elsa and I have been here so many times we practically memorized the place.

"You two don't look surprised"Pitch says while gesturing towards Elsa and I. "Do you know who rules here?" Jacks asks while landing. Elsa and I simultaneously answer.

"King Arthur"

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