Chapter 3 - The Accident

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Rey had asked him to join her for dinner.

"Of course, I'd love to eat dinner with you." He smiled down at her. When was the last time he had felt like it had been years..

Leia noticed that Rey was only wearing the silk sheath without any of the usual undergarments. Poor girl, she didn't know any better. She could see pretty much everything she had to offer through the silk.

"Ben, you really need to shower and Rey has had a very long day. Clear your schedule for lunch tomorrow and you two can get acquainted then. In the meantime, I've given Rey your suite. She's going to sleep in your bed and you can take the other guest room if you like."

"You are right about the shower, but I'm not waiting until tomorrow."

Rey was practically swooning when his hand accidentally brushed against her wrist as he passed her in the doorway to the suite. She was overwhelmed by his scent which was so much more intense with his body so close to hers. She could feel the heat coming off of his chest, that very heavily muscled chest...

Their eyes met for a moment. Somehow, Rey heard him say "so beautiful." But his lips never moved. She had to be losing her mind.

She was so tiny next to his larger frame he thought. And that scent. It told him that she was open to him, interested, that she wanted to know him more. It was intoxicating him. His pupils were blown wide.

"Uh. I'm just going to take a quick showerrrrrr."

He was forgetting how to speak. He was distracted by her lips.

Rey blinked up at him and blushed. It was getting hard for her to breathe.

Leia cleared her throat.

"Hurry up Ben, our food is getting cold. Rey, step back inside so you can finish dressing."

Ben walked backwards into the suite. He didn't want to take his eyes off of her.

He was going to have to thank his mother later.


"Rey, how are you feeling? Are you alright my dear?"

"Yes, yes, uh. I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed. He's not at all what I expected."

"Ok, well I want you to be comfortable, you don't have to have dinner with him tonight if it's too much for you right now. Usually there are protocols for this sort of thing and much more clothing."

"Leia, no, it's fine. I feel like I already know him somehow. I had a dream of him. I wouldn't know what to do with protocols. I would just like to eat something and talk with him a little tonight."

"Alright, but if you feel too overwhelmed or uncomfortable in any way just give my hand a squeeze under the table and I will take care of it. Now, Let me look at you. Let's find a robe or something for you to wear..."

Leia called the wardrobe team on her Comm.

"Rey, I'm just going to step outside for a moment."

She sat on the edge of the bed and decided to lay back. His scent was everywhere. She basked in it, he smelled so good, he was so handsome. She rolled around in his scent. Had he called her beautiful?

Her body was feeling a little bit out of control, it was throbbing in places she didn't know existed before.

Her wrists for one. They suddenly felt tender and swollen, sensitive. The skin there was pinker than it had been before. She ran her thumb across her left wrist and to her shock a jolt of pleasure passed through her body, all the way to....down there. Down there, which was now very moist and throbbing. She sat up in shock. What was going on with her?

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