Chapter 7 - The Garden

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When they came out of the bedroom, Leia was still there waiting on them. Everything had been put back into order, the body was gone, the sheets on the bed were changed, the scent was gone and the door had been replaced.

"Ben, come here. You've got her powder all over your face."

He bent down to Leia's level. She raised an eyebrow at him and smirked as she wiped his face with her handkerchief. She leaned in and whispered in his ear:

"The thing that you asked me for is in the pocket of your tunic for when you feel you are ready to give it."

She had slipped the Star of Naboo into his pocket.

He smiled down at Rey. She was turning a magnificent shade of pink.

Leia opened a Comm. "Adam and Eve are ready to move."

They stepped out into the corridor where a battalion of female stormtroopers were waiting to escort them.

He sheltered Rey under his right arm and held her left hand. Phasma walked in front and Leia walked behind and the rest filled in on the sides. Everyone had been cleared out. The corridor was deserted, the entire route to the gardens was deserted.

As they walked Ben spoke to her mind.

"After we eat, I will deal with Hux. I don't want him near you, but you have to be there, because we can't be apart right now. Ignore him if he speaks to you. He is not worthy of your attention."

"Yes, your mother filled me in on the best way to behave during your session. Really, I don't want all of this to be about me."

"It is and it isn't. No one will ever be allowed to speak to you the way that he did. You are far too important, far too precious to me. I will not allow anyone to disrespect you in such a way, I don't care who it is. The time for you to be feeling helpless and being abused by others is over. He has had this coming for a while, but how he treated you was the last straw."

When had anyone ever cared about her this way? He kept telling her she was precious. It was surreal. She knew without a doubt that he would walk through fire for her, do anything for her, give her anything she desired.

She had seen his feelings. Something was blossoming inside her heart. Truly, if she were honest, it had started the moment she laid eyes on him. When she had held him last night, she felt complete, whole, peaceful.

She didn't really know what it was at first because no one had ever shown it to her before. She had never known this feeling, but she was smart enough to figure it out. It was love. Leia had been right. This was the best thing that had ever happened to her. She loved him.

She gazed up at his face as they walked. He was so Alpha, but also soft, but only for her. His angular jaw, the way he carried himself, his wide chest, so male, so regal. But it was his eyes that told her everything she needed to know.

I love you she thought... She never thought love was something she could have until now.

He thought about what she had said about all of her choices being taken from her. Everyone she had ever known had abused her in this way. He didn't want to do the same to her, yet when he thought about it wasn't that exactly what he had been doing?

Binding her to him without her knowledge was wrong. Guilt weighed on his mind. He was going to have to tell her everything, otherwise he would always wonder if she would have chosen him freely. Somehow he needed her to choose, even if it meant she would say no.

They finally arrived at the garden. It was deserted as planned. Guards were placed every 25 feet around the perimeter and more were at each entrance and exit. Ben reached out with the force. Everything seemed to be secure.

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