Chapter 7

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Toh I've finally updated
I was threatened with physical harm😂
You can return your makaman yaki now (you know ya self😶)
It has been a week kawai fah🙄

The news is about to be delivered to our soon to be bride😬😬

And believe it won't be all rainbows and sunshines

Lemme not give away the content and let you find out for yourselves.

Ohh before I forget

Eid Mubarak!!!!!! 🌙✨💫 in advance lovelies❤️❤️

I don't know if I'll be able to update soon again with the preps and everything, kunsan mu mata😂 ga kitso ga lalle da sauran su💃🏻

So here's an early barka da sallah💕

Aje a wasa hakora😋🍗🥩🍖😂😂

Don't forget to keep mine oo, zanzo maku yawan sallah😁😁

Lemme not chika ku da surutu😅😅

Enjoy 🍻🥂❤️


The weeks after the wedding passed in a blur. Everything is back as it was before, it's just that the house feels more empty. Boredom is about to kill me, Nai'a and Affan are in school, the twins have left, Ya Akram too so I'm the only person at home. The house is so empty, just few weeks ago I was complaining about it being too full. Oh and Hajiya hasn't left, and I don't think she'll be leaving anytime soon ugh.

Right now I'm organizing my closet. I can be a neat freak sometimes but I blame boredom right now. I separated my traditional clothes from my abayas. I kept the abayas on the left side, and the ankaras on the other side. I hung my kimonos, veils and the few shirts I own. I created a separate place for the trousers and hijabs. Then I rearrange the shoes. And finally the drawer for my undergarments. Phew I'm done! I've been in the closet since morning.

I heard the adhan for Zuhur being called. I went to the bathroom to perform wudhu. After I finished praying, I ambulated to the kitchen to make some chocolate chip cookies sandwich. Have I mentioned that I love baking and cooking? But I prefer baking. I absolutely love it. I bake when I'm angry, sad, frustrated......and the list goes on. I know you'll be wondering why I'm staining what I love doing with these emotions? Well I bake because it takes my mind off things, it makes me happy, satisfied and there's just this tranquility and serenity when I'm baking, the soft flour, fluffy doughs, lastly the aroma, oh don't get me started on the aroma. It's one of the best feeling, It's my escape from reality just like Wattpad.

I picked up the ingredients which consists of 1 cup of butter, melted and cooled, 1 and 1/2 cups of firmly packed brown sugar, 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, 2 large eggs and 2 egg yolks. Mammie and Mama always know to stock the fridge and cabinets with my stuffs. I even have my own share in the household budget, Abu always includes mine. What can I say, he does love my cooking, tho he doesn't take the pastries much, he says if he continues he'll get fat and loose shape. His words not mine.

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