Chapter 31

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I actually wasn't going to update till sometime next week but it was ready and I love you guys too much to make you wait❤️❤️


It's a long one and it's juicy😋😋😋.............


I was sitting down on my bed going through Snapchat. I have to say it's amazing, I wasn't able to download it before because my screen was practicality nonexistent. It's my new favorite app, after wattpad obviously. I'm trying to get the hang of it though.

Ohhh and I'm so loving my new phone. It's practically my other half I cannot go five minutes without it. I think Aayan might be jealous lol, well he is the one that bought it for me and taught me how to use it so........

Anyway a knock on the door took my attention off the phone. "Hey Tesoro." Aayan poked his head. I still don't know the meaning, but I do know it's Italian.

"What are you doing?" He asked taking a seat at the foot of the bed. "Nothing, just surfing through the internet." I replied.  "You've being doing a lot of surfing lately." He sighed. I looked up and smiled sheepishly, then kept the phone aside. "Sorry."

"It's nothing, I brought it upon myself." He sighed dramatically. I chuckle, goofy Aayan is my favorite Aayan. "Get ready, we are going to Ammiey's." He said.

"Why can't I just pu—"

"Nope, you are not putting a big hijab over your clothes." Aayan chided before walking out.

Ahh, he knows me so well. I think I'm falling for him.

Urgh! I know what he said during our wedding night, It's etched permanently on my brain but those lines have long blurred. I don't know where we stand, and I'm afraid I will mess things up. But it's really hard not to, fall for him you know. I mean he's not perfect but he's perfect for me.

The feeling has been lurking around and I tried to ignore and suppress it but it intensified the day I told him my story and he accepted me and my baggage. Like it got 100x more intense and it's hard to keep an overwhelming feeling like that under the radar.

I'm not good at hiding what I feel. Ok that's a lie, who am I kidding? I'm more than good. But this is a different kinda feeling, I mean anytime I see him I want to hug and kiss the hell out of him and tell him how much I love him.

Woah! Wait! Hold up! Oh my God! I love him. This—this is the first time I'm admitting it to myself. I love him.






Okay Jawahir, calm down, calm down. I managed to calm myself down after what I just discovered.

How sure are you that you love him?

I'm not a dumb cliche character that doesn't realize she's in love till someone points it out. I just know, I just do. I've never been in love but I'm hundred percent sure that what I feel for Aayan is love, it has to be, it is love. It feels so right. Everything is clear now, the blushing, the increase in heart rate, smiling for no reason, it has to be love.

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