Chapter Five

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TW: homophobia and mentions of abusive relationships

February 12th, 1963

Christine was slumped over her desk, sick of reading the same chapter of her textbook over and over in an attempt to get it to go through. What was really on her mind, however, was the other book on her desk- one she'd found in the student help section of the library. She was unsure if it was genuinely supposed to be there and just as she thought, it wasn't. The cover didn't have a stamp on it, so she decided whoever left it there had clearly forgotten it- it wasn't something she'd leave laying around...especially not with such a dirty magazine tucked into the back.

Human Sexuality

She'd learned the word "bisexual" and felt like it applied her the second she read the definition. It also included a quiz, and every time she tried it, it came out the same. Bisexual.

She didn't care anymore what word she used, and reading that there were other people like her helped her feel better...For a whole five minutes until she realised she could never be happy like that- her parents couldn't know, she couldn't tell anyone. It stung in her chest as she gazed at the page, longing to live in an age where it wasn't seen as a "disease".

She wondered what Indigo would say if she knew, but from what she'd read about how people hid it, she wasn't so sure that Indigo was heterosexual anymore. She'd turned down every man who approached her at the bar, cuddled with her in bed like everything was completely normal- she barely left her side.

A little part of Christine wanted it to be true, but the rest of her thought it was wishful thinking.

She could recall almost all of the things the book said she might notice- childhood crushes on women- pretty art teachers and her year nine maths teacher who wore stockings that Christine couldn't stop staring at; dissatisfaction with boyfriends; preferences for female characters and the love interests in books. All rang true to her. How had she not noticed?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a quiet knock on the door she recognised as Indigo's. She quickly slid the book under a pile of papers of a drafted essay.

"Come in."

"Hi," Indigo whispered, shutting the door quietly behind her with a click, "Have you got a minute? I really need to talk."

"Of course," Chris smiled, then noticed the tears in Indigo's eyes, "Hey, come here, what's wrong?"

She guided Indigo to sit on her bed with her, grabbing some tissues, feeling like she'd probably need them. Indigo looked at up her with wide eyes,
"I just had a horrible phone call."

She slumped into Christine's waiting arms, looking nervous. Her body trembled as she sobbed, and Christine felt her heart break. She rubbed her back, holding her close.

"Chris, I need to tell you something and I don't know if you're going to want to be my friend after I do," she sniffed, "I'm scared."

"Okay," she said softly, "It can't be that bad, yeah?"

"It is."

"I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think," Christine murmured, "I'm your friend, you can tell me anything."

She watched as Indigo pushed away her tears, taking a deep breath,
"I'm a lesbian."

Indigo flinched like she was scared Christine would hit her.

"Okay," Christine thought about what she'd want to hear, "This doesn't change anything, we're still friends, yeah? I don't mind if you like girls."

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