Chapter Eleven

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July 17th, 1963

Christine came home to an empty flat, with a note on the bedroom door. Gone to the shop, be back by five. Love you. xx. She grinned- Indigo had been more active for a week or so, and it seemed to be helping. Over their holiday, she had taken on another few shifts at the bar, which she knew made Indigo feel guilty, but she didn't care. If Indigo couldn't work, she would do everything she could to support her. It occurred to her that they'd only disagreed about it once, and they'd left it after that- unlike any of her high school boyfriends, they hadn't argued. She laid down on the couch, with a cup of tea, trying to rest up before her next shift at eight, wondering what to do now she was gone.

Before she even knew it, she woke up to intense heat pouring in through the open window, and quiet noise in the kitchen. Rubbing her eyes, Christine stood and walked through to find Indigo making dinner.

"Hi," she murmured, standing in the doorway.

"Good nap?"

"Yeah," she laughed.

"I would have woken you, but you looked so peaceful," Indigo said, "Dinner's nearly ready."

"Thank you, baby," she kissed her cheek.

"Would it be okay if I came to the bar with you tonight?"

"Of course, if you're up to it," Christine said, "How was your day?"

"Alright," she said, "Just getting some stuff done for next term."

She leaned in to hug Indigo, suddenly very aware of how close they were without any contact and wanting to rectify it. She held her close despite the heat making it almost unbearable.

"Chris, I love you, but it's too hot for this," she said softly, turning in her arms to face her.

"Too hot to show my girl I love her?" she joked but pulled back, kissing her forehead once more.

"Okay, dinner time, then we get ready to go."

Walking into the bar with Indigo again felt good, especially as Gary grinned,
"Been a long time since I saw you two together, no problems, I suppose?"

"Just got sick," Indigo mumbled, "Couldn't leave the flat much."

"Aww," he smiled sympathetically, "But you're better now?"

"Not really," Christine said before she could open her mouth, "Will you keep an eye on her for me?"

Indigo raised an eyebrow,

"It's not that I don't think you're okay, you've just done a lot today, I'm nervous."

"Its chronic," Indigo explained to Gary, rolling her eyes playfully, "I'll be fine."

"Okay," he said, "Well, you're on in twenty minutes, you better go and get ready."

She smiled and squeezed Indigo's hand discreetly as she took her seat at the bar, pulling out her sketchbook and facing the stage. Her face broke out into a smile as she walked backstage, looking back once to see Indigo already engrossed in her sketchbook.

Throughout the set, she kept an eye on Indigo. She didn't mean to. And it wasn't that she thought she was incapable of sitting for a few hours, but she felt concerned either way. She noticed her talking quietly with Gary between songs but thought nothing of it.

Finishing up the set, Christine walked back down to the bar, wiping sweat from her forehead, desperate to leave the hot bar already and head back to their flat.

"Enjoy the show?" she asked quietly, containing herself from wrapping her arms around Indigo in front of everyone.

"Of course I did," Indigo grinned, snapping her sketchbook shut, "Ready to go?"

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