Chapter Thirty-Three

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July 16th ,2009

"Indy!" Christine called out into the garden, "Dinner's ready, honey!"

"Okay! Just give me a minute!"

"It's okay," she stood in the patio doors, "We're eating outside today."

"Oh, if you'd said we're eating out, I'd have dropped to my knees right there, Chris," Indigo joked under her breath, making Christine chuckle.

"Oh, we will be later," she sat down at the patio table, "Come on then, Missy, dinnertime."

Indigo sat, draping her legs over Christine's lap, shuffling her chair closer.

"Wow, why don't you just sit on my lap?"

"Because I need to eat dinner first," she smirked, "I will be after I've finished though."

Chuckling, Christine pushed her plate to her,
"Happy anniversary!"

"Happy anniversary," Indigo smiled, leaning in to kiss her cheek.

"Isn't it weird it's been forty-seven years since we met in that corridor?"

"It is. Forty-seven years... seems like such a long time."

"I'm glad we're still together," Christine tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "I still love you more than anything, princess."

"Oh, call me that again," she grinned.

"My princess," Indigo shivered, giggling and burying her face in Christine's shoulder, "My pretty princess. How about I run you a bath after dinner?"

"A special anniversary bath?"

"Even better than last years."

"Definitely then," Indigo smiled.

November 3rd, 2009

"Are you sure about this, baby?" Indigo asked softly, standing in the hotel bathroom's doorway.

"Honestly? No," Christine murmured, "But I have to see them. I have to know they're doing fine."

"I won't pretend I understand, I guess it's that morbid curiosity- like I had to see The Dance, but I'm here with you if you need me."

"Thank you," Christine smiled, fixing her hair, "Come on, let's get going."

Indigo wrapped an arm around her waist, squeezing her close as they looked in the mirror before breaking their contact and heading out of the hotel, scared of someone noticing their entwined hands until they made it into the venue.

They took their seats, waiting for the lights to dim before Christine cautiously, took Indigo's hand again, even though they were in the back row and logically nobody could really see them apart from the couple sat next to them. Indigo squeezed her hand as the massive roar of the crowd took over the venue, and everyone stood, watching Fleetwood Mac walk onto the stage.

Indigo's eyes barely looked at the stage throughout the whole show, feeling only somewhat guilty about it as she gazed at Christine instead, and held her hand lovingly. Halfway through the encore, she noticed tears slipping freely down her cheeks. She reached up to gently wipe them away.

"I miss it," she whispered as Indigo looked up, asking with her eyes if she'd like to leave, "I want to wait at the stage door if that's okay with you? I miss them."

"Would you mind me going back to the hotel? I'm so tired."

"Of course not," she smiled, "I don't want you to get sick again."

"Thanks for bringing me," Indigo murmured, "I see why you loved it so much."

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