Chapter Twenty-Nine

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September 17th, 1997

"Lindsey?" Christine murmured as they walked off the stage together, his arm around her back.

"Yeah?" he grinned, rubbing her back.

"We need to talk."

"About what?"

"In private," she whispered, falling back behind Mick and Stevie under the pretence of tying her laces.

"What's up?" he asked, guiding them into a side room.

"I think this is going to be my last tour, honey," she said, sitting on the edge of the desk.

"What? We're all back together now!"

"I'm sorry, Linds, I can't do it anymore. I want to go home. I'm getting old and tired. I miss home, I miss my family. I've never liked being on the road."

He sighed,
"You're not old, Chris."

"But I'm tired," she said, "I'm sorry, but I can't keep on going. I want to go home. I'll stay until the end of this tour, and maybe a little longer, but I'm done."

Lindsey leaned forwards, wrapping his arms around her,
"I'll miss you."

"We'll still talk."

"It's not the same without you," he murmured, "But it won't be forever, right? You'll help me with my solo albums? Come to mine and sit with me and talk, yeah?"

"Maybe," she smiled into his neck, "You've got your own stuff to think about, huh? With Kristen."

"No," he said quickly, "There is no me and Kristen."

"She said she's pregnant, Linds!"

"She lied," his hands rubbed her back softly, "She's not. And I'm not in love with her anyway."


"I'm in love with you," he whispered softly, lips touching her cheek.


"I know, I know, you're not in love with me. I understand," he smiled sadly, "I came to terms with that a long time ago, but it doesn't stop me loving you."

She clung a little tighter to his waist, rocking them back and forth in their hug.

October 25th, 1997

"I can't go back out there, Linds," Christine murmured as they headed towards the stage door, ready to be swarmed by fans.

"Why not?"

"You didn't see? Front row, on my side? Blue hair, orange lipstick? That was her."



"You're sure? After all these years? I thought you said she was too poor to even get to London?"

"That was in the sixties, Linds. Who knows now? She was a really good artist, she could have made it."

"We would have heard about her though."

"Not necessarily. Look, I know I saw her, she was right in the light during Silver Springs. She barely looked at anyone else- not even Stevie. I know how it sounds to say she's trailing around after me, but it was her!"

"She might not be out there, love."

"I can't do it."

"Okay, fine-" he sighed, "I can't come back in and tell you if she's there."

"Who's where?" a voice interrupted behind them.

"Blue-haired woman, Chris is trying to avoid her."

"Who is she?"

"Don't ask," Christine shoved Lindsey's side softly, "Lindsey's just looking out for me, Stevie."

"Do you want Karen to check for you?"

"Yes, please."

"It's all clear, no blue-haired women."

A little part of Christine felt disappointed, but she brushed it off.

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