Chapter 6

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When we landed in Vietnam, I was a little out of sorts. I had been expecting Molly to find some way to get out of us spending some alone time together. So when she didn't, I didn't know what to do with myself I was so excited. My friends didn't seem any the wiser when I said I was gonna catch up on some sleep tonight rather than going out. I had no idea what Molly had told them, but when she showed up at my room right after we checked in, I knew we were a go for our day together.

I was rummaging through my suitcase when I felt someone grab me from behind. I just about hit the roof, screaming out as I turned around to see Molly standing behind me. She was laughing so hard she could barely breath.

I grabbed my chest,

"You scared the- Jesus Bloody Christ...." I took a few deep breaths.

My brows furrowed when I realized she was in my room. I glanced around, not really sure what I was looking for,

"How'd ya get in here?"

She pointed outside on the balcony,


I looked out the door,


She walked towards me, her arms sliding around my waist as she pressed a soft kiss to my lips,

"The balcony."

I raised my eyebrows,

"I'm on the third floor. You climbed over here from your room?"

She nodded, her arms raising to hook around my neck,


I shook my head. My surprised smile turned into an easy one. I was just happy she was here and that we could finally spend some time together. I lifted my hand to slide under her ear,

"I can't wait to take you out."

I watched as her calm and cool demeanor drained out of her, leaving behind a dubious expression I'd seen on her a few times. I lifted my other hand to slide under her other ear,

"Hey," I started, calling her attention so she'd meet my eyes again, "I said I'd keep you safe and off social media. You trust me right?"

I saw the slightest bit of doubt in her eyes but she nodded,


I thought about asking her if she was telling the truth but I decided against it in the end. I understood that she might have some apprehension and this was one of those situations where I would need to show her rather than tell her.

I led her out into the streets, glancing back to see her nervously glancing around us. I knew she was looking for paps or wayward fans who might recognize us. But I'd taken precautions. I covered my hair with a baseball hat and I had sunglasses on. It wasn't the most creative disguise, but I figured we were in Vietnam and the chances that someone was here looking for me were slim.

I lifted her hand to my mouth and pressed a kiss to her fingers. Her anxious smile dissolved into an easy one when her eyes fell on mine. I lead her down the street, smiling to myself when I felt the fingers of her other hand wind around my bicep. She was relaxed for now at least. It was up to me to make sure she stayed that way.


While I would have loved to have walked around the city with Molly while we soaked in the sights and sounds of Hanoi, I also just wanted to spend some alone time with her. And I knew alone time would probably set her at ease. So I planned something special just for she and I that no one else would possibly find us on.

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